Chapter 25: Mystery Freaks

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Arthit POV

All the undead were inactivated by the blood gem. There were several healers outside the royal palace. I eventually end up in the garden where I found Third after defeating Jack. The rest of the council members who sided with King Taeko were taken into custody.
Knot and Matthew were nowhere to be found in the chaos. Someone sat beside me and draped a blanket over my shoulder. I tugged at the edge of the blanket.

"P'Arthit." Kong smiled.
"Pete, I'm cold." Kao pouted at Pete. They were standing at the side of the van.
"Well damn, ghost. I can't control the weather." Pete said.

We all laughed at their conversation. Third and Khai were sitting in front of me, leaning on each other's shoulder.

"Well, that was fun!" M and May walked over to us.

"You guys wanna hang out in Pink Cafe?" Kong said. "I think we've pretty much done everything to stop the Ice King."

Pete crossed his arms. "I'm in." He put up that 'attitude' face again but he's definitely going.

"It was a hell of a fight." said May. The twins looked at each other then nodded agreeable.

"Here, here!" Khai said.

"We should have a name." I said. They all glanced at me.

"A name?" asked Third.
"Yeah, us...we're all friends here." A smile tugged at my lips. "We should have a group name."

"Oh, I get it!" Kao said.

"I think we should call ourselves, The Detectives." suggested M. 

"That's a lame name." said Khai. "How about The Prince and his minions"
"Hey, not fair!" said Third, smiling at him. "we're not your minions!"

"I think I know what are we going to be called. It's like Martin Mystery or Scooby doo." I said, feeling a joy swarming in my stomach. "The Mystery Freaks."

Pete POV

I closed the door behind me as I went over Kong's kitchen. "Good morning."
"Good morning, Pete." He said while he was finishing the chicken sandwich he prepared to eat for breakfast. 
"We have only thirty minutes until the quiz starts."
Kong with a mouthful of chicken sandwich, said. "Well, who gives a quiz after a civil war?"
"Professor Carson." I slumped dramatically back on the counter. 
"Three days. I mean, not everyone who joined the battle is back." He waved the sandwich as he went to the fridge to get water.

"How's Arthit?" I took a glass and stole the huge bottle from Kong, pouring the water into the glass.
"He's fine." He glowered. "And, if I am a water user, I have spilled those in your face."

I laughed. "Well, you don't want to set my ass on fire, do you?"
Kong took the bottle from me. "Shouldn't you be with Kao? I mean, what's the deal between you two?"
"We're just taking things slow." I told him.

"Taking things slow?" Kong repeated. "You two seemed to be more intimate." When I was about to protest, he held his hand. "Na-ah-ah, I saw the two of you, hanging out in the field yesterday."
Kao tried to work his feelings for me in a gradual process because when we kiss, when we touch, it was like fire much stronger than Kong's flames. Though I was just exaggerating things.
"It was his decision." I rolled my eyes. "Relationship, you know, respect each other's time."
"That's nice, actually." Kong said. 
"I believe that this would go very well." I can't stop blushing now, and Kong's smile made it even worse. "What?"

"You're blushing." He teased.
"Well, I'm in love." Shrugging, I drank the water and gave a low hissing relief.
Kong offered me the other sandwich"You want one?" 
"Sounds good." 

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