Chapter 9: The Lost Starkthorn

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Pete POV

As we got back to the table, Third narrowed his eyes to us. "You've got the royal family to discuss?"

"It isn't good?" asked Kong, sitting on a wooden chair next to me.

"Ask Two. He's a Starkthorn." Said Third.

"Was the Starkthorns extinct? I mean, the last living Starkthorn is the Queen, who's now bearing the Taeko family." I said, staring at the pictures which would contradict with the humans if they ever find out that the Starkthorns are the very first wizards who shared their cultures with some humans which were now known as witches and warlocks.

Humans doesn't have a clue where they even came. 

The Queen had insights on the Dark hunters. It did surprise me that he had connections with an organization full of bounty hunters, demon slayers and other deadly supernatural creatures.

He'd informed the Shadow Master that, I could be valuable on stopping Ash's plan which later revealed that he would open the dark dimension to challenge a hellgod.

I began to read a few lines of the Startkthorn family. They could activate a Mode that conserves a lot of their magic power. They could release a mark on their face, calling it the Sealing Trademark.

Lucky for the Starkthorns that this mode wouldn't be stolen. They practiced it over a year until they master this sort of power.

Then my eyes caught something.

The Lost Starkthorn. The publication was almost 20 years ago. The magic council didn't have any record if he was dead or not. This article intrigued me. 

"Did Two have any brother or sister?" I asked Third.

"No. He's the only half-blooded Starkthorn" Two affirmed with a frown. "Why?"

"There's..." I swallowed the bile in my throat. "There's a lost Starkthorn?"

"Really?" Kong asked, leaning to the page of the book.

"It says that the Starkthorns were assassinated by dark wizards 21 years ago." I said. "The Lost Starkthorn might have survived the unknown attack in the city. Some say that his body has still not been found, some says it was thrown into the river."

"That's interesting." Kong met my curious gaze. "We'll take that"

"Seriously though, did they know about this?"

Third scribbled on his notes. "The world knows that the lost Starkthorn is dead. My mom said the dark wizards wanted the child dead because the Starkthorns have breed with the Faeries in the late 1800. Which was why most of them are born with light or wind magic. Their magic are somehow...ancient."

 Kong blinked, the way he looked at Third, more assessing...more calculating. "Is it true?"

"I don't know if it is. Most of our people and the fae have taken it as a myth. More dark wizards are after the royal families, well for a reason." Third shrugged.

"What if the child has survived?" I blurted.

Third did not utter a sound as he looked into my eyes. "That would be impossible."


The coffee shop nearby the University was packed with rich humans, taking their seats on the fancy sofas. I'm not bothered at all but sometimes my head could be switched off, and daydream. 

Now, I'm daydreaming...of him. Of...

"P'Kao!" Non snapped his fingers in front of my face. "What's the answer?"

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