Chapter 22: All Sins Must Repent

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Khai POV

I lurched to the spot where I had been groveling the first time I came here in the ballroom, King Taeko toyed with me and tormented me in this room with his ice magic on the 2nd day, leaving me with bruises.

Two Guardians flanked my side. There were few council members and unfamiliar rich civilians that sided with the King. They were looking at me with dark excitement.

Jack stood among the Guardians behind the long wooden table with several dishes and a fountain of wines.

The King himself sat on the luxurious chair at the corner with a glass of wine in his hand. Matthew-Pytro was beside him, he was looking at me directly. We have our shared communication through our eyes. I'm sure this Hellgod is pleasing himself with the disaster he made.

"Our prisoner, Bright Serano," said Matthew, pacing around the dais. "He has been charged with the subsequent crimes which are rebellion and personating the Lost Starkthorn. The punishment for these crimes is death by--"

"I object, Inquisitor Matthew." said King Taeko, smiling widely. "It has proven that his father ran away from the city. Poor little boy never loved by anyone. His punishment must be death by...hmm, let him be Hellhound snack?"

God, I don't wanna be Hellhound's snack.
"Cut him to pieces!" suggest the man with yellow hair next to the pillar. "Starting with his arms!"

Cheers erupted in the room. But King Taeko suddenly was in front of me, examining my face.

In a blink of an eye, he went for my knees first, and dugged his claw into my shoulder. I screamed at how the agony course through my bones and muscles. Trembling on the floor, I spit blood out of my mouth.

"Stop! Stop!" a voice shouted. "I SAID STOP!" Third, tears watered in his eyes. Jack's knuckles whitened and I imagined that Third would go rampage in this room. But he was outnumbered by the Guardians.

King Taeko grasped locks of my hair, his fingers biting my scalp. he held an ice dagger on my cheek. I hissed as he gradually wound my skin, feeling the burn of its cold. The blood trailed down my jaw and it dropped to the floor. "It's comforting, isn't it? Then again, I won't let you die instantly."

"Why don't you just get on with it!" I sneered. "Why? Why did you kill my mother and the other Starkthorns?"

"You see, the Valentine Royal family were seen as lowest. Your family was a threat to mine. They bullied us with our rank, treat us like we're outcasts. My mother suffered from depression, my father bankrupts in his business in the Shadow Market. We were a disgrace. However, not going against the Starkthorns in the first place was great timing because I met Matthew Disaro. He was the one who helped me rise from my family's ashes." explained the Ice King.

"You know that Matthew is not Matthew"

"Meaning?" The King's fingers twitched. "Well, I know who he is. The Taeko family didn't achieve killing the Starkthorns without the Dark Wizards. Without Matthew, even marrying one Starkthorn was the last resort to have power in the governing system. I am so grateful, you know that? My motive is simple. And you know how this ends."

"I know." interrupted Jack, who had an impatient look. He walked towards us. "When your demon transformation happens, if the spell you cast that would activate in any moment now, you could become a pure demon?"

"That is correct." The King replied.
"So, you will eat some wizards?"
The King frowned. "What are you talking-"
Jack launched to King Taeko, and pointed the barrel to the King's forehead.
"Your majesty!" Matthew, who pretends to be an innocent inquisitor has his worries. That demon living inside him is really annoying.

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