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~Shuichi POV~

Everyone who joined Daganronpa were from our school, we entered the gates together. Once we were inside we said goodbye and parted our ways. I expected a lot of people to stare, luckily no one did. I head to class as usual and I look back at Kokichi's seat. Were his impacts so severe he had to stay a day more than us? Thinking about the worst made me feel sick. I love him, it wasn't the same without him. Drowned in my own thoughts, comes in this kid. He was dressed nicely, he looked very cute. WHAT- why am I thinking that? I don't even know him. He had white hair in a small ponytail, what looked like one gold eye and another purple, in a wheelchair, and had what looked like a hearing aid. How unlucky could he have been? As I was thinking that he went to Kokichi's seat. I started to worry," What if Kokichi can't come back to school?" "What if he switched?" I thought to myself as I saw a checkered piece of cloth. It looked like Kokichi's- "U-um, e-e-excuse me p-please don't stare. T-Thank you." breaking out of deep thought, I didn't even notice I was staring. "O-Oh, I'm sorry I had just spaced out." he gave a little nod after I said that. Maybe I should talk to him at lunch and invite everyone else? I thought as the teacher explained something

~Kokichi POV~

I made my way to class looking down so no one could see my gold eye. I heard whispering, I ignored it. I saw Mr detective in deep thought. I made my way to my seat. I find Saihara Chan staring at me I felt very uncomfortable... very uncomfortable. "U-um, e-e-excuse me p-please don't stare. T-Thank you." I say hoping he would stop staring. In-game me was confident, and I still am, I'm just very nervous for my looks. "O-Oh, I'm sorry I had just spaced out." I nodded. I think he thought I was someone else. The hours went by, and finally it was lunch time I headed outside to the farthest bench when I see Saihara Chan coming out with everybody else who had been in Daganronpa, Kirumom, Kaede, Kaito, etc. Comings towards me. I had to act brave...

~Shuichi's POV~

Before we entered through the doors we all agreed to meet in the cafeteria for lunch. "So guys, today when I went to class this kid with white hair in a ponytail, in a wheelchair, had a hearing aid on his right ear, one purple eye and one gold one, and that had a bandana that looked like Kokichi's went to his seat and stayed there." I said as everyone looked at me in question wanting to know who he is. "Nyeeehh, you're saying Kokichi could've been replaced?" Himiko said in almost a fearful voice. "I know maybe we can go introduce ourselves to him and be his friend?" Kaede suggested, we agree and attempted to find him.

 We found him sitting outside in the farthest bench and went over there, god he was beautiful, unique, just perfect. The boy saw us coming towards him and turned around. "Hi, I'm-" I got interrupted by him. "You're Shuichi Saihara" he turned around and gave us a smile. Everyone looked in disbelief almost as if they had witnessed a ghost. How is that possible we haven't even met and he knows my name, maybe a Daganronpa fan? "Any who, how are you guys? It's been a while seen we've seen each other. Angie! You guys are alive! That actually makes me really happy. Where were you guys btw?" HOW.DID.HE.KNOW.SO.MUCH.ABOUT.US? "Gonta is confused, how does he know so much about us?" Gonta asked in curiosity and a little bit of worrysome. "Ah, I knew my new image would fool you guys." New image? what does he mean by that? He proceeded to take out a Bandana that looks exactly like Kokichi's and took out some grape Panta from his backpack.

 "Kokichi, he had a bandana exactly like yours, and he loved/loves grape Panta. How did you get that bandana by the way?" Himiko said in a lazy tone as always, it was kind of expected. "Wait I haven't told you who I am yet , have I? Oh this is going to be so funny when I tell you guys." Ofc he hadn't told us who he was! Is he insane? He cleared his throat and said something we never imagined he would say. "I'm Kokichi Ouma, The ultimate Supreme leader. Fresh out of the hospital!" Everyone gasped as he said that. No wonder he knew so much about us. "NO WAY YOU'RE KOKICHI! HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY CHARACTERISTCS YOU HAVE. TAKE THAT WIG AND CONTACT OF YOUR OUT. NOW!!!" Maki was mad, she was FUMING.

 "I can't if I try to take my gold eye out, I'd only have one eye. If you pulled my hair it would straight up hurt, and if you even broke my hearing aid, that's a low blow, you'd get expelled, nishishi." Kokichi sounded kind of... scared but serious at the same time." I'LL DO IT MYSELF IF CAN'T DO IT YOURSELF BASTARD." Maki proceeded out of her seat and got closer to Kokichi. "N-No p-p-please d-d-don't I d-don't w-want to g-g-get h-hurt on m-my f-f-firt day b-back!" Kokichi was shaking and scared. Maki poked Kokichi's yellow causing to obviously cause him to flinch and whine. "MAKI STOP! IT'S OBVIOUSLY HIS REAL EYE, STOP IT FOR FUCK SAKE." Rantaro yelled, he couldn't bear his friend be tourchured like that. She let go and started pulling Kokichi's hair tie out and started pulling his hair violently. More what he was already crying from someone touching his eye, and now someone pulling his natural hair. He bent down and put his arms over his head."I'LL GET A TEACHER IMMIDIATELY! Kiibo said while he ran inside and came back almost immidiately with 2 staff members.

One took Kokichi to the nurse and the other one took Maki. We all looked as if something terrible happened, because something terrible DID happen. "Poor guy he had just gotten out of the hospital today. I know I call males 'Degenerate male' but I think I wouln't call Kokichi a degenerate male anymore." Tenko said and then we all started talking about him. When we suddenly heard a squeak. We had no clue where it came from. "Hey everyone over here!" under the table were Kokichi's hair tie and hearing aid. I picked them up and said I'll drop them off on our way to class. "Thanks Kaede or finding it, Shuichi it's better you dropped them off now instead of on our way to class." I agreed and went to the nurses office, luckily the hearing aid wasn't broken. "H-hey Mr Detective can I tell you something before you go?" "Sure! What is it Kokichi?" He explained everything to me. EVERYTHING. Why his hair was white the reason he was in a wheelchair, the reason he has a gold eye, the reason he had a hearing aid, everything was told to me. The truth. "Do you want me to tell everyone? Or will you share it yourself?"he thought about it quiet hard. "I tell them myself Once I get out of this stupid place which shouldn't be long." He put his hair back in a ponytail and said "now shoo I need privacy" I giggled. He was such a trooper to through everything he went. Makes me sad...    

BOOM! Long chapter you ya'll. NOW ENTERTAIN ME PEASEANTS! nah jk

toodles! Author that gets no sleep

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