The sleepover

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~Miu POV~

Yesterday I found I out Kokichi's hearing aid broke so that  was the reason why he was acting strange I offered to fix it, he agreed. Now I'm standing outside of school before the bell rings waiting for him to bring it.. Just as I was going to give up I see him. He shows it to me. Turns out it's simple. "Sure this should be done by tomorrow morning. I'll give it to when boarding the bus, k?" Thank you so much Miu! I'm getting tired of being underwater. I want to go to the surface." Kokichi in a playful voice honestly, it's like he changed. He's still himself, he's just not mean anymore. He still lies and everything but he's more cheerful. "Hey Kokichi what do you mean by being underwater?" I turn around and find Tsumugi asking him what he meant by being underwater. But honestly it was kind of confusing. "You know when you're underwater and everything sounds muffled? That's what I hear" His refrence actually made sense now."Oh thank you Kokichi for explaining!" Tsumugi thanked him but Kokichi didn't want a thank you. He said he didn't mind explaining. as we walked through the doors and said goodbye.

School was almost the same as yesterday. Kokichi barely picking up any information from the board, kids picking on him, and hanging out with his friends during lunch.  Finally the day was over, Kokichi was now going to stay over at Shuichi's house, he was kinda eager. "You ready to go Kokichi?" Kokichi nodded as Shuichi pushed him over to his apartment.

 Kokichi was amazed by the apartment, he thought it looked really fancy and pretty. "You got any Panta in this damn fridge?" Kokichi asked as he pouted playfully Which Shuichi thought was so cute. "I knew you were going to look for Panta, so I'm prepared." as he pulled out a bottle of 2 liters Kokichi's eyes widened and reached for the bottle as if he were a little kid reaching for candy. Shuichi served Panta in 2 cups for both of them. Kokichi chugged the whole thing down in the matter of seconds which was very hilarious. When he was done he asked Shuichi if he would help him with his work since he couldn't hear the teacher clearly and had only picked up from the board. Shuichi was glad to help, so they both did their homework over the span of 2 hours. "Hey Saihara chan, what are you bringing tomorrow for when we leave for your dorm?" "I'm bringing normal stuff. Is Saihara chan going to bring something mysterious? Or normal like me?" Kokichi was interested in what Shuichi would bring. "Eh, you now normal stuff, clothes, books, etc." Kokichi proceeded to roll his eyes "That's so boring" "I told you, normal stuff." Shuichi said. as Time went by they both watched some TV watch a movie. "Saihara chan I'm hungryyyyyy." Kokichi pouted as he was saying that "Ok, I'll cook for us something." "Ooo, can I help?" Shuichi nodded as they began to cook.

 Kokichi was in charge of cutting, Shuichi was in charge of boiling and etc. Suddenly Kokichi stopped and said "Wanna play a game?" Shuichi nodded and said "Sure I guess while the vegetables boil." Kokichi grabbed the Knife and started the game.

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap *slice*

"KOKICHI! ARE YOU OK?" Shuichi panicked as he ran to go get a first aid kit he had in his apartment. "Nishishi, I'm fine silly, it's ok" Kokichi said calmly "NO IT'S NOT FINE YOU CUT YOURSELF AND YOU'RE BLEEDING!" Kokichi didn't respond because it sounded muffled for him and he didn't want to say anything to ruin the fun they were having. Shuichi sat down and started to bandage Kokichi's finger "What were you even thinking Kokichi that is extremely dangerous." "Oh Idk I was bored" "Don't do that again Kokichi. Promise?" Shuichi sounded like in a worried tone "Promise" Kokichi rolled his eyes while saying that. After the little accident they went to bed and Kokichi asked Shuichi to cuddle him. Kokichi felt safe, loved, and comfortable as he fell asleep....

~Same But Different~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum