The call

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Slight mention of SH
~Shuichi POV~
As we got to the park and got settled Kokichi scooted next to me and said "Can you snuggle me Saihara Chan?" while making the cutest face you can possibly ever imagine. "Of course!" he sat on my lap as he was surprisingly really light I haven't seen him eat in a while too, maybe I should tell Rantaro, after all he's the one whi grew up closest to Kokichi. I held him and he placed his head on the crook of my neck. "ShuShu, can I tell you *yawn* something?" he looked like he was getting sleepy. "I'm listening" "Ok *yawn* good. I wanted to tell you I *yawn* love you too." before I could say anything I heard light soft snores coming from him. Guess he wore out after all that crying. I kissed him on the forehead and played with his soft white hair. I remembered I had to call Rantaro so I grabbed my phone and dialed him.

~Rantaro POV~
I was in the middle of organizing my secret collection of MLP ponies when I got a call from Shuichi.
"Hey Shuichi. How are you?"

"I'm good I just wanted to ask a few questions."

"Why are you whispering?"

"I'm at the park with a sleeping Kokichi on my lap"

"Oh gotcha! Anyways so what's the question?"

"Um so, while Kokichi was getting on my lap I noticed he's really light and I haven't seen him eat in a while. I think the last time I saw him was at the rest stop on our way here which was about a month or two ago."

I felt my stomach drop. I've known Kokichi since a young age so I knew what this meant I felt terrible for not noticing. How could I be so STUPID!

"Rantaro are you there? Hello?"

"A-Ah I'm right here. Shuichi we have to make sure that today from now on he eats. Ok? I'm expirienced with Kokichi doing this, he's done it before."

"So you're saying he hasn't eaten in probably months and just lived of barely any food and Panta before?"

"Yes, now I want you to pull his sleeve up to see how how skinny he is."

"Isn't that invading privacy?"

"It basically is but you have to do it or he might be skinnier than ever"

"Ok, I'll do it."

The call went silent for a while. I could hear Shuichi gasp almost as if he saw something bad. Kokichi when we were growing up was always a mystery. His mom died a few years back. His dad abused him. He basically lived in a treehouse to not be in his dad's house. But he still always kept smiling, lying, laughing, and pulling pranks. But there was still so much more to him. Like for example I didn't know he played guitar. So I've always seen Kokichi as a friend full of mysteries.



"I just checked *Sniff* can you come here please with bandages and Panta. "

"Why is something wrong? I'll be there as fast as I can."

"Yes there are many things wrong. And thanks for helping me."

"You're welcome, anything to help friends out. Even though I clapped for him and made him hurt. The truth is I didn't want to clap for him but the others just made me. Makes me feel terrible."

"Maybe if you told him the truth? He would probably understand and forgive you. But for now focus on coming *Sniff* k?"

"I'll be there in a jiffy."

as soon I he hangs up, I start looking for bandages. I found them put them in my pocket and went to the dining hall to get a bottle of Panta. "Woah why in such a rush Rantaro?" "Something happened with Kokichi at the park, I'm on my way to help him so. Bye Kaito" Just like that I was off. I ran as fast as I could to the local park they were at. Took me a while but I eventually found them. Shuichi crying while holding a sleeping Kokichi.

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