Oh lovely pink

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~Kokichi POV~
Kill yourself bastard! You're worthless! No one loves you! You exposed yourself to the world. Loosing your mask 2 times already. People will know you're weak. They're just pretending they care. Remember what your boyfriend said? "You're alone Kokichi! You will always be!" so then why don't you kill yourself? There's lovely was to do it you know? Haging, cutting your neck, slitting your wrist, overdose. Many more.

I wake up sweating and shaking. I look next to me and I see a sleeping Shuichi. Remembering what the voice said in my dream, I think about it. Until I decide I'll do it. Should I slit my wrist? No, I'll probably end up not doing it. Overdose? No, I can't swallow many pills at a time. Haging? Where do I get a rope from? What about cutting my neck? Same thing will happen if I try to slit my wrist, I won't do it. I'll go with failing.

I go over to my chair and leave. On the way to the roof I start thinking "I'm sorry Shuichi, but it's the best choice." Once I got to the roof, I sit down on the edge and I start singing. "Just as I was about to take my shoes. Up on the rooftop there I see. A boy with white hair waiting for me. Despite myself I go and scream 'hey don't do, it please' " When I sang 'please' I scoot to the ledge and start falling, as I was falling I heard a faint door opening. I was getting closer to the ground, and when I hit the ground.... everything went black.

~Shuichi POV~ I wake up after hearing a door close. I decide to investigate when I feel that Kokichi's gone. I look for his chair. He's not there. I start to panic not knowing where he went. After deciding he's not in the room. I go outside the dormitories and I see him. I see him on the roof. I realize what he's going to do I rush to the roof. As I was getting closer I heard him singing "Despite myself I go and scream he don't it please" I bust through the door only to find his chair empty... I-I was too late. I collapse into the ground, knowing he died but still decided to peak over the ledge. His hair once white, was died pink, there was a pool of pink around his head. I rush downstairs and when I got downstairs, I see his lifeless body infront of me. His eyes rolled back, once held happiness. his mouth barely opened, once held a smile. He looked like miu when she 'died'. I take his scarf and hug it and then I take off my jacket and put it over his head. Barely being able to lift myself off the ground, I go to the dormitories and knock everyones door.

"Guys *hic* go to the front of *hic* the school. It's an emergency. *hic* something terrible happened."
Everyone confused at what's happening decides to go. "Shuichi why are you crying? What's the emergency?" "You'll *hic* see Kaede". We all go to where Kokichi's body is and I remove the jacket, everyone screams. Kaede and Rantaro collapse into the floor. People crying and some whispering. Kirumi goes over to Kokichi's body to check his pulse... she shook her head, meaning he died. Why did he do this? WHY? WHY? HE HAD SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR.

Rantaro calls and ambulance and takes him away. I want to go, but I couldn't. We decide to go back to our rooms and get some more sleep. Not being able to get the picture of Kokichi's lifeless body, I cry nonstop for the rest of the night until I fall asleep.

(Timeskip to the next morning)

I get dressed and I get Kokichi's scarf that he had on last night. Last night, when we ate together, last night when he played his guitar for us, last night, when he got a flashback, last night when I would kiss him for the last time. I skipped breakfast and go to school. Not being able to take my mind off him even though people try to cheer me up and get him off my mind. "Shuichi, don't worry. Atua welcomed him into heaven with his arms wide open! He's in a better place." Angie told me even though I knew that, I still missed him.

Class was going by really slow. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. The bell rung signaling it was time for lunch when I got a call from a unknown number....

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