All you need is love

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All three friends headed home from the park, agreeing they would be having a 'concert' at Kokichi's once they got back. Once they got back, Rantaro headed to his room to finish something (organazing his secret MLP pony collection) as the other two decided to take a stroll. "Hey Shumai! Let's head to the tree where I was sitting at! One I can't go on my 'Tour' if I don't have my guitar. And two will you be my bodyguard PLEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEE!" Shuichi looking at Kokichi confused on why he needed to be Kokichi's bodyguard he asked "Why do you need a-" he was interrupted by Kokichi's crocodile tears. "WAAAAAHHHH SHUMAI DOESN'T WANT TO PROTECT ME! WAAAAAHHHHHH YOU'RE SO MEAN SHUMAI! Of course, that's a lie." he winked. Shuichi loved having Kokichi around in a good mood. He would always bring him a smile. Even though Kokichi was going through stuff himself and trying to hold up his 'mask' which was getting harder by the minute. Shuichi headed towards the tree Kokichi was at got his guitar and left just in time as Rantaro finished what he was doing.

They headed to the dining hall when Kokichi decides to just stay outside the door. "Kokichi you comin?" he shook his head at Shuichi refusing to go in. Shuichi takes matters into his own hands. As the three friends Kokichi immidiately covers his face and simply says nothing. Even at the table he didn't take his hands off his face even if it meant he couldn't eat. "Kokichi you promised. Even if you have your hands over your face you still need to eat. Even if it's a few bites." Rantaro told Kokichi who was clutching face. "Fine." Kokichi lets go of his face but looks down. Kaede has a stunned face as she realizes how bad she messed up. "Hey Kokichi. I-I'm sorry. I made everyone clap for you. Rantaro told me to not clap but I still did. I thought it wouldn't affect you, but now that I see you acting like this, I realize I. I mean we. Messed up badly." she had a look of guilt over her face "Doesn't matter, you still hummiliated me. Rantaro, Shuichi? Can we go eat in my room?" Kokichi said lifting his face up while a tear rolled down his face. "Sure I guess if you're more comfortable there." Rantaro said while giving Kaede a glare. In a blink they were gone.

~Kokichi POV~
Kayaydead tried apologizing but no way jose I'm accepting. She hummiliated me. I even made sure they were far enough from the tree I was playing at.  I didn't want to look at her. I didn't want to look at anyone who clapped for me except Rantaro. We went back in my room and finished eating there. Halfway through my meal, I went to the bathroom to throw up. Probably since I hadn't eaten a proper meal in so long. I didn't eat anymore after that, but I was still determined to do the 'concert' I promised them.

"Are you sure you still want to do it? You can do-" I interrupted Rantaro while he was talking "No a promise is a promise" I say as I go to my guitar. I plop myself "No clapping please, comments are fine." they both nodded as I started playing. At first you could barely hear my voice over the guitar, but then I realized everything was fine so I started singing until you could hear me. I sung like if I was alone. "All you need is love" they started singing with me as I played.

Once I was done instead of them clapping they started saying how good I was which I preffered a lot more. "Thank you Thank you" I say as I 'bow' which is basically me kissing the floor. "Hey Kokichi. Can I ask you something?" "Sure! What is it?" "Why don't you like playing guitar infront of others but the ones you trust?" "Ez! I used to get bullied for playing guitar." my face went to a blank expression as I got a flashback. "Hey Guitar freak! Can I look at that guitar of yours? It looks pretty nice to smash it into your head!" "N-No please! I-It's new. I-I just got i-" before I had a chance to finish, the guitar was taken from my grip and smashed into my head. The world started to blur as I clucthed my head in pain before everything went black.

~Shuichi POV~
Kokichi's face goes blank after he responded. Tears start falling from his eyes as he mutters something. "Fuck, I triggered something" Rantaro looks at me in disbelief that I cursed but that's not what's important right now. At this point Kokichi is shaking his head no constantly. I hug Kokichi and so does Rantaro to try to calm him down "Hey, hey Kokichi. Can you hear me? You're safe." Rantaro says in a calming voice as I rub circles on his back. Then he stops.

Still crying, I cup his face and move his white locks out of his face to talk to him. "Kokichi, you are here. In your room with me and Rantaro. You are safe, ok?" he nods "I'll leave you two here if you need anythign I'll be in my room. K?" Rantaro leaves us alone here. "T-T-They were h-hitting me" he looks up at me and I pull him into a hug. "It's ok. You're here no one is going to hit you." He looks at me looking for reasureance.

His purple and yellow eyes looking at me with a few strands of his white hair in his face. I always thought he was cute. Even though now he looks comepletely different. He's still the same person. Same personality, same everything. He was Same but different. I without thinking pull him into a kiss. He stiffens but quickly melts into the kiss. He was blushing madly. Infact we both were. I pull away from the kiss in shock I sa "I-I'm s-sorry. I-I did it a-a-automatically. I-It's understandle i-if y-you don't"
He probably will never forgive me. Buried in thoughts Kokichi says "I've always liked you, you know. I never thought you felt the same way." as he says that he pulls me into another kiss. Only this time more relaxed.

We pull away from the kiss "C-Could you b-be m-"
"Boyfriend? OF COURSE MY BELOVED SHUMAI! I NEVER THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD COME! WE ARE A THING NOW! WOOHOO" I smile as I saw a happy Kokichi infront of me. He hugs me tightly his eyes start to fill with tears. "These are happy tears." " I didn't think you would accept Kokichi." we were both hugging, but it all of a sudden got quiet.... too quiet. That was until I hear soft snoring. Did he really fall asleep just like that. I gently place him on the bed and tuck him in. I lay close to him and drift to sleep too.....

WOWWWW AUTHOR CHAN FINALLY GOT TO THE SAIOUMA PART! WOWWW! Anyways, sorry for not updating. Q&A, What are your favorite Kokichi headcanons? Mine: Kokichi is autistic (Saw it in a video), He hides his heterochromia with a contact lens, and pregame Kokichi was in choir. Anywho the next chapter is going to be WILD so hold on to your butts. Toodle-loo!

~Same But Different~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang