Chasing Dragons

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"I am hungry. I think I saw a small group of deer near the edge of the woods," Ketara thought as she glided on the breeze. She loved the way that the sun felt beating down on her leathery back. She swooped her wings in and dove for a clearing where the woods met the stream.

"I'm tired of chasing ye beast. Think I will just sit down here and rest a bit against this tree," Rowan yelled out. He had been chasing after Ketara all day. He was tired and his muscles ached. He sat down and leaned against the trunk of a pine tree. He unstrapped the water skin from his back and took a deep drink.

"Beware!" A faint whisper came through the trees.

"wha...who's there?" Rowan stammered as he quickly got to his feet looking around to find where the voice had come from.

"Beware, there are dangers within these woods" The voice came again slightly louder it seemed to be coming from all directions.

"D..d....danger?!? Look I was just trying to rest a bit, I don't want any trouble." Franticly Rowan rushed back the way he had come.

"Beware..." The voice warned again as it trailed off behind him.

"I have been chasing after you all day you wretched beast of a dragon I am supposed to be training you." Rowan yelled.

"I can hear you, you know? We dragons have exceptional hearing." Ketara said as she circled above the wood. She had sensed Rowan's panic and had come back to find him.

"You know if it wasn't my job, I would just leave you." Rowan hissed at her.

"Humph! You know we dragons lived for many years without you pesky humans." Ketara declared as she landed behind Rowan. Her red scales glimmering in the sunlight that broke through the trees.

"Yes, but those were different times." Rowan murmured looking forlorn as he stared at her.

"Better times I would say. Before our lands were claimed and our treasures stolen." She huffed a puff of smoke escaping her nostrils.

"I'm sorry for that."

"It was before your time, and mine for that matter. How I wish I could have seen it."

Rowan continued his exit of the woods, Ketara padded along by his side. He could see the tree line just ahead when he sensed something or someone watching them.

"These woods art full of things, thou must respect them or the wood wilt be the last thou see." Another voice. Rowan had heard enough random voices for one day.

"Who said that? Show yourself..." Rowan demanded, more confident with Ketara by his side.

Ketara let out a low growl.

A young woman Leapt down from a tree, landing gracefully before him.

"Me kind knight. I have wandered these woods for most my life." The voice was like a song pleasing to the ear. "How art thou beautiful dragon?"

Ketara lowered her head and sniffed the newcomer. "You have no scent how is that possible?" she said intrigued by this.

"How long have you been up there lady and why? Rowan looked puzzled.

"I have my ways. I wouldn't be good if I didn't" the woman said to Ketara with a bit of swagger. Turning toward Rowan she said, "I was training when thou came and I thought I wouldst find out wherefore thou came"

"My apologies dear lady, but why are you in these woods alone? Do you not know that they are haunted?" Rowan asked concerned.

"I am not afraid of the spirits. I came hither because they bring me peace as I train. I wouldst ask thou the same?" She took in Rowan with an appraising glace.

"I was chasing down my companion here," He said patting Ketara's side "and was in need of a rest. As it is getting late we should be on our way."

"I see. Good luck on thy journey." The traveler said turning to go.

"Do you wish to come with us?" Rowan asked

Turning back with a new light in her eyes, smiling she said, "I would love to."

"Have you ever ridden a dragon before?" Rowan asked smiling back at her.

"No I haven't." Rowan extended his hand and made to help the lady up onto Ketara's back

"Climb up its getting late" Ketara said to Rowan.

"Okay. I guess with will be an experience." Excitement entered the young woman's voice.

"Take it easy Ketara let's go home."

Ketara leapt into the air. With a few swift wing beats, they were soaring through the clouds.

"Hold tight lady, it takes some time to get used to." Rowan said placing his arm around her waist.

Ketara roared to announce her delight.

"I see. Okay." Startled by the sudden embrace.

"Home Ketara to the Aviary" 

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