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Astraea realized there was no point in fighting Cathal, and putting strain on the wound, she sighed and asked, "So what is going on between you and Siobhan?"

Cathal flinched not meeting her eyes he said, "Nothing"

"Careful!" She squealed, "If you drop me..." her eyes burned into him. "I'll take your word for it." She turned away looking unconvinced.

"I'm not going to drop you," Cathal assured her rolling his eyes.

Astraea rolled her eyes in response but stayed silent.

Cathal entered the guest room and gently laid her on the bed. "There you go." He smirked holding out a hand as if expecting payment. "Do you want me to stay, or should I go?"

Astraea stared at him a moment amazed at his audacity, then giggled. "I'll manage, besides if you stay you might accidently walk into my sword. I'm still annoyed with you."

"Alright, ma'am," He smiled back at her.

Astraea mumbled almost inaudibly, "Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome, ma'am"

Astraea nodded gratefully.

Cathal turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Astraea closed her eyes but immediately opened them when she heard a growl from outside

"What the..." she thought. Carefully she rolled from the bed and looked out the window to see Katrina lying on the ground. "Shit." She swore when she saw the wolf.

Katrina lay there staring at the sky barely following what was happening around her whispering to herself "S-sorry.. I messed up again..."

Sephtis curled around Katrina's head trying to comfort her in her daze. "Siobhan how bad is it?" he asked concerned for Katrina's well being.

Astraea decided to say fuck it and check Katrina. Trying to not put too much pressure on the wound. She climbed out of the window and rushed to Katrina's side.

"What the hell is going on?" she demanded, "Why is there a wolf near Katrina?"

Cathal came running from the house "Hey! Astraea, go back to bed." He panted.

"I'm not going back inside when the person who patched me up is lying on the ground.

Cathal help her inside." Astraea said folding her arms across her chest and glaring at Cathal. "Is she hurt?" she asked Siobhan.

"I-i don't know. I think she's gone into shock. We need to get her inside."

Cathal stared back at Astraea, "Yes, you are. Siobhan is perfectly capable of helping Katrina

I don't know if she's hurt, but you are, and you need to go lay back down."

Astraea's eyes blazed, "Look I know my limits. Just help her get back in."

Cathal stood firm, "I'm not going anywhere until you get yourself back into bed and stay there."

"Stop arguing! It isn't helping and she isn't doing well!" The wolf snapped at everyone, while still trying to calm Katrina.

"Will you let me help her?" Siobhan said pushing the wolf away.

"I found the herbs you asked for," Rowan announced. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Katrina laying on the ground.

"Of course. I am just here to help calm her," Sephtis said as he backed away.

"Thank you Rowan. And... ummm, talking wolf, could you help her inside please?" Siobhan appealed.

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