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Moonbeam spotted the newbie across the camp "Did you cook the rabbits yet?"

Ryker ran to catch up to his sister, "Are you actually angry?"

Roux burst out laughing, "Oh hell no. I didn't like that woman at all. But I'd heard she gets clingy a lot."

"Wait, you're saying..." Ryker stroked his chin.

Roux smiled as her bother put two and two together, "Have fun fighting her off," she laughed as she walked away.

Moonbeam ventured around the camp, checking on things. Tending to the horses, and observing everything.

Rolf left Ogden to rest and walked toward his tent.

"I have rabbit looks at bowls umm soup?" Sephtis grimaced at the slop in the bowls, "Come and get it?!"

Arctic Fox walked behind him, "Come sit everyone!" The others just kept to themselves.

Sephtis pouted, "No one wants the soup I made..."

Roux looks at the newcomer and frowned, "Who the hell is he? And is that... Why would you make Rabbit soup?!"

"I am Sephtis," He reached out a hand to shake, "I just joined."

"He is a good fighter," Fox said, "I see potential."

Roux spotted Rolf and joined him. "Shall we begin planning?"

Rolf scowled "Begin? I have been planning for days. You finally show up and want to begin."

"Yeah you started planning," Roux snapped, "You never told us anything."

"Watch your tone girl," Rolf warned

Roux rolled her eyes at Rolf but keeps quiet.

Roux took Sephtis' hand and flipped him down.

Rolf glared at Fox, "I thought I told you to take care of him."

"I'm Roux," she smirked at the prone man at her feet.

Ryker ran up huffing and out of breath, "I'm here. I'm here. We can start."

Sephtis stared up at Roux and stuttered, "H-hello."

Rolf shook he head and stomped off to his tent mumbling, "So hard to find good help,"

"You did, but he has potential!" Fox yelled after Rolf.

"A! You said he had potential. He can't even defend himself." Roux said. Shooting her brother a look she added, "Ryker why can't you keep your mouth shut?"

Sephtis gasped at that statement then while Roux was distracted, he kicked legs out from under her and leapt up. "Who can't defend themselves now?"

Ryker looked at his sister on the ground and laughed, "I like you newcomer."

Sephtis gave a wry smile, "Thanks. The name is Sephtis, but you can call me Seph."

Roux groaned but then smiled, "Point taken," she grumbled brushing herself off as she got back to her feet.

Ryker put an arm around Sephtis, "I'm Ryker. We're going to have some fun," he winked.

Sephtis grinned, "Sounds good."

Roux ignored her brother and Sephtis and made her way to Rolf's tent. "A! You coming?"

Arctic Fox Laughed at the two boys and followed Roux

"Oof Rolf will skin us alive if we aren't there." Ryker said leading the way.

"Yeah let's go," Spehtis agreed.

Moments later she entered Rolf's tent, "What's your plan?"

Rolf stared at her, "If you are done playing, this is the route the caravan is taking." He pointed to the map spread out on the table. "They left the Wizard Academy three days ago. They should be here, just inside the forest," he marked a spot on the map. "By tomorrow morning, they should be here on the other side of the bridge. This is where we will strike."

Roux looked at the map and nodded, "I see. How many men would we need?"

"By my count we have at least seven of us here. Eight if you count the kid I picked up at the Tavern, but he seems unreliable. Can't even remember his own name half the time."

"Oh that guy," Roux laughed, "Why do you keep finding people like that? Doesn't matter though."

Rolf grit his teeth, "I wasn't sure if or when you guys were going to show up," he sneered.

"Hmm..." Roux shrugged, "We're here now. Who's the lookout?"

Rolf looked up as the others entered the tent. "Fox will take the look out, while you and Ryker take the rear wagon. Sephtis and Ogden will take the middle and Moonbeam and I the lead. Leave no survivors."

"As long as Ryker keeps his mouth shut I think we'll be fine." Roux snorted.

"Hey! I've never messed up," Ryker shot back.

"Look out! Do I get to bust some heads?!" Arctic Fox asked grinding her fist into her palm.

"No fox, I want you out of site. Preferably, somewhere up high. You will watch over the attack." Rolf told her.

"Ugh. Fine." She whined

"Excuse me sir," Sephtis cut in, "But Ogden is the man who came in earlier?"

Turning to Sephtis Rolf said, "Yes boy. Ogden is the best we have. I would trust him with my life and have for many years."

Sephtis tread carefully but pressed on, "Will he be strong enough? He doesn't need to get hurt more than he already is."

Ryker stepped away from Seph. "I do not know him!"

Rolf growled, "Ogden will be fine. He has been through a lot worse than a minor cut to his side."

Sephtis shrank back, "Sorry Sir. I didn't mean any harm by that. I just don't want anything to happen."

"Nothing will, hopefully," Roux said, "But the dangers are part of the job."

"Yes, of course m'lady," Sephtis said looking away.

Rolf slammed his fist on the table, "If you don't have the stomach for this boy, I will have Fox gut you right here."

"No sir, I am fine," Sephtis regaining himself.

Arctic Fox teased, "You sure? Because I am in the mood to gut someone."

"I'm sure, please continue." Sephtis said in a hushed tone.

Rolf stared at the all for a minute. "Good. If there are no more concerns, everyone get some rest. We need you at your best."

"Yes Sir," Sephtis nodded

"Yes boss," Roux looked at Ryker sternly

The group filed out of the tent.

"Why're you looking at me?" Ryker asked

"You can't go to town tonight or I will gut you." Roux said jabbing a finger at his chest.

Arctic Fox gave a smug look to Ryker "I would gladly gut you for her."

"Why will you gut me for something I haven't even done?!" Ryker stepped back.

"Because I'm bored." Fox chirped.

"We'll spare him for now Fox" Roux winked.

"Fine," Fox pouted folding her arms across her chest, "I am heading in then." She turned an walked off into the darkness.

Ryker stood there shocked, "Betrayed! By my own sister!"

"Oh please Ryker. Roux trilled, "Don't talk about betrayal to me. I'm leaving too." Turning back she asked, "You coming Ry?"

Ryker followed his sister back to their quarters.

Sephtis followed the others and was directed to his own tent. He pretended to sleep until Midnight. When he was sure that all were asleep and he crept quietly through the trees until the camp was barely visible. He shifted into a raven and flew off into the night.

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