Heavy Burden

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Moonbeam came out of the tent, feeling refreshed from her nap, she stretched, yawned, and went looking for her brother.

Rolf was at the edge of the camp looking through crates and chests. "Let's have a look at the last haul," he mumbled to himself.

"Rolf are you here." Moonbeam called out.

Rolf looked up from a large ornate chest, "Ah Moonbeam, I hope you rested well. Have a look at these large gemstones from the latest spoils."

"Rolf! Oh my goodness, they are so pretty." She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yes, they are different from any other gem I have ever seen." He grinned.

"Do we have food here? I'm starving and I could use a drink." She grinned from ear to ear.

"There should be a cask of ale and some dried meats in my tent. If you want fresh meat, you will have to hunt for it. There are also some trout in the stream along the edge of camp." He glowered.

"That will work for now. I guess Rolf," She chided, "I'll go hunting later."

"Are you sure you want to be a part of this raid?" Rolf's face softened a bit, "I mean if something were to happen..."

"I'm just like you, I've been in plenty of fights and raids," she fussed.

"I know that, but you are still my little sister."

"If you feel better, I'll go hunting, sit this one out, but I'm here if you need me. Plus I don't want to argue with you," she was desponded as she looked away.

Rolf crossed to her, "No I want you with me, but I need to keep you safe," he said staring into her eyes.

"How about I be on lookout, take them out if I need too. Hangout on the sidelines," she said stubbornly, she smiled at him. She loves her brother; she knows he will protect her.

"Forget what I said about sitting out. I want you to be by my side. I will have your back and you will have mine."

Moonbeam hugged him one more time and went off to find some food and ale. She decided to go hunting and left the camp, Rolf might be pissed that she left or might not. She shrugged to as she neared the woods. Moonbeam needed to clear her mind and killing something would help. She knew her brother carried so much burden on his shoulders, and that he was just looking out for her, but when was he going to stop treating her like a child? She nocked an arrow and fired. After a while, she had caught two rabbits, she hurried back to camp. Moonbeam sighed. She had faith in her brother to pull this off. Yet sometimes these woods could get dangerous.

"What am I going to do?" Rolf said to himself. "If we are going to pull this off, we need more help. All we have now is a kid that doesn't know what day it and my sister. Where are the others? They should have been here by now."

"Boss I've found out there are going to be three wagons not two." Roux said looking ragged.

"Where are the others? What took so long?" Rolf scowled.

Roux shrugged, "Eh got distracted by some pretty maidens," she smiled sheepishly, "I don't know where the others are though. They're possibly looking for that bitch who killed some of our men."

Rolf glared at her in disbelief. This day was getting worse by the minute.

Arctic Fox sauntered over, twirling an arrow in her hands. "Finally found everyone," she said as if put out, "I see, you left me to watch these things and vanished!" Her grip tightened on the arrow.

"You complain too much," Rolf snarled.

"Well maybe if you let me hunt more I wouldn't complain." She grumbled crossing her arms.

"The more you venture out, the more likely you are to be followed back here or worse." Rolf said clenching his fists.

"You worry too much. No one has caught me yet and if they did," she paused and smirked, "I would deal with them."

Rolf reddened, "It's my job to worry. We cannot afford to be careless," he roared.

"Who are you calling careless?! It most certainly is not I!" Arctic Fox stabbed her arrow into a crate in anger.

"Calm yourself Fox. We will need all of your energy for the raid." Rolf said composing himself.

"Ah yes," Her anger faded as she began to grin, "When do we strike?"

"If they are on time the caravan will be through tomorrow." Rolf informed them.

"I shall ready our weapons!" Fox said with glee.

"Very good." Rolf nodded. He headed back to his tent to look over the maps again.

Arctic Fox ran off and began weapon checks.

"There has to be something I am missing..." Rolf thought running his fingers through his hair.

Roux had followed Rolf back to his tent. She had more information to divulge before they had been interrupted. She nodded as she entered the tent. "Apparently there will be three guards for each wagon in the caravan, and three trunks in each. It's rumored that one of the trunks might have diamonds, that were mined near the dragon's nest in the north. Personally I don't think so but either way this is going to be a really big win when we pull this off."

"Roux I didn't hear you come in." Rolf said looking up from the map.

"I'm good at sneaking in," she grinned. "Besides you were distracted."

"Forgive me this caravan raid has been consuming my thoughts lately" he sighed.

"Yes I've noticed," she said walking over to the table, she placed her hand on his shoulder, knowingly.

"We need more people, for this to go well." Rolf admitted.

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