Royal Plans

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Rolf entered his tent. He crossed to the table to pour over the map of the caravan route.

Moonbeam leaned against the table, as her brother stared at the map.

"Hello dear sister," He said without looking up.

"Hello, brother. Planning something?" She asked sweetly.

"Just some royal fun," Rolf grinned.

"Sweet. Let's kidnapped the princess or prince," Moonbeam let out a laugh.

"I doubt they will be with the caravan, but I hear a good portion of the royal treasury will be. Just think of all the gold and jewels." Rolf's eyes glowed at the thought.

"I can finally have a nice necklace," Moonbeam mused reaching her hand to her throat.

"As opposed to the others you have?" Rolf chuckled and shook his head.

She replied with a sly grin.

"Don't worry sis soon enough you will have more jewels than the princess herself."

"I'm not worried at all, Rolf. You always be by my side"

"That is true, dear sister you will always have me by your side."

"We only have each other," She said placing her hand on his shoulder. "I might a take nap for a while," she yawned.

"Get your rest Moonbeam," he embraced his sister, "We have a big few days ahead of us."

She returned the hug. Then breaking away from him, goes to the other side of the tent.

Rolf continued to stare at the map. Marking places to strike the caravan. "That kid better come through or we are all doomed he said to himself."

Moonbeam stirred in her sleep. Rolf glanced over to his sister. "She must be lost in a dream," he thought. He stood and walked over to where Moonbeam lay and placed a blanket over her. "Sleep well little sister."

Moonbeam felt the blanket placed upon her, just rolled over onto her right side and slept soundly.

Satisfied that his sister was asleep Rolf stepped out of the tent into the cool night.

The camp was nice quiet. A cool night breeze blowing through the trees. Rolf still checked on things. "Where are the rest of them?"

Nier was looking at the map while walking. He entered the bandit camp in a daze, looking around for his bandit friend.

"Careful where you step there lad, there are traps and such to keep intruders out." Rolf's voice came from the shadows.

Nier stopped in his tracks. "Well...that would have been nice to know, earlier... Rolf."

"I wasn't expecting you for a few days yet. Forgive me for not mentioning that before." Rolf sneered.

Moonbeam roused from her sleep, she heard voices outside.

"So Nier, I take you have accepted my offer." Rolf said.

Moonbeam stepped outside to see her brother talking to a young man.

"I wanted to get a sense of this place before we had some fun," Nier said with a smile.

"Rolf who is your friend?" She asked walking up to them.

"Ah dear sister, you should be resting," He said in a fatherly tone. "This is Nier the newest member of our guild. He is going to help us out in our next venture."

"Hello there," she nodded to Nier. "I Know Rolf. I just came to check on you. I will go back to resting."

Nier nodded toward Rolf's sister in greeting. "Well," he said to Rolf. "Care to show me around? Or should I just wander about mindlessly until I get caught in a trap?"

"Sure thing. Let's find you a place to stay." Rolf said with a wave of his arm.

Moonbeam sighed as she made her way back to her bed inside Rolf's tent.

"Lead the way, then." Nier acknowledged and followed Rolf through the camp.

Rolf led Nier to an empty tent near the edge of the camp. "Here you are." Rolf opened the flap "There is a bed roll in there get some rest. We can discuss the plan in the morning."

Nier nodded,examining the tent in detail. He wasn't exactly tired yet, but at least hecould spend some time thinking about the days to come.

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