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A young man quietly opened the aviary door and slipped inside.

Ketara sniffed the air "Who's there?"

"Hey little one. I'm Cathal. Don't mind me; I just needed somewhere to get out of the cold."

Eying the stranger in the dim light, she snarled, "You don't belong here. You reek of death."

"What's your name, little one?"

Ketara growled, "Call me little one more time and it won't matter."

The intruder took a step back and bowed his head, "My apologies. Your name?"

"My name is Ketara and you are invading my space."

"Deepest apologies, Ketara. I just need shelter for the night so I don't freeze or catch ill. I should be gone by tomorrow, if my search proves futile once again."

"My master should be home soon. You may stay until he arrives. Then he can decide what to do with you."

"Thank you for your kindness Ketara."

"What is your name drifter?"

"My name is Cathal."

"And where do you hail from? You don't appear to be from these lands."

"Far north of here. In the wastelands. I escaped shortly before the burning started."

Rowan approached the Aviary carrying a bucket of water and a horsehair brush.

"Ketara time for your bath."

"Ah, my master is back."

"Oh, hello"

Startled by the unexpected voice Rowan jumped back spilling some of the water. "Ketara? Who is this?"

"My name is Cathal; I meant no harm to your dragon. She's quite nice. I just needed a place to stay for the night"

"I assure you she can take care of herself," Rowan said appraising the stranger. Seeing his ragged appearance and the goose flesh on his arms, acquiesced, "Well if that's the case why don't you come inside. The fire is warm and we have a spare room you can stay in." Turning to Ketara, he smirked "Looks like you avoided you bath for the night Ketara"

"I am so disappointed," she laughed.

The man looked around warily. "I don't even know your name..."

"The name is Rowan." Rowan scrunched up his face catching a whiff of Cathal. "This water is still warm perhaps you would like to clean up first?"

"...alright" Cathal conceded taking the bucket and soap "Now, where's that spare room you mentioned?"

"Follow me. There should be some bread left inside and we can get you settled," Rowan led the stranger toward the house.

Cathal followed closely behind taking in his surroundings with precision.

Rowan pulled two copper mugs from the cupboard and filled them with water. "Sit down Cathal and tell me a bit about yourself," indicating the table near the door.

Cathal pulled out a chair and sat down. "Not much to tell. I come from the northern wastelands. I've been trying to find my best friend ever since we got separated during our escape. I don't know where she is now, but I have to hope that she's alive. Other than that, mostly I've just been trying to find a place where I can earn a few coins and settle down."

The mention of the wastelands startled Rowan a bit. "Funny you say that. I met a young lady today that said she was from the north a few hours ago."

Cathal's eyes widened at the possibility, "What...what was her name?" He managed to get out.

"My memory fails me, but I be leave it was Si... Sio... something like that." Rowan thought better of divulging too much. After all, he had just met this man.

"Not my friend, then. My friend's name was Aoife. Although she had a sister who might have made it out as well... Do you know where this girl is staying for the night, and is it possible for me to talk to her?" Cathal asked the excitement fading from his face.

"I am afraid I do not. I left her with another that I met earlier today at the tavern perhaps she found a room there." Rowan offered some bread to Cathal who politely refused.

"Could you direct me to the tavern, then?" Cathal asked.

"Sure it's about a half mile to the east of here," Rowan said. "Are you sure you don't wish to stay?"

The thought of going back out in the cold made Cathal reconsider "...I may as well stay the night."

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