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Nier woke up, looking around dazed with somewhat of a headache. Maybe it was all the drinking.

Rolf Knocked on the tent post. "It's time to go. You ride out with Sephtis and Ogden. You have the middle wagon. I hope you are up for this," he said.

Moonbeam stood waiting by her brother's side.

Rolf mounted his black horse, "Let's move out."

Nier followed. "Aye."

Sephtis fell in line, "Yes sir!" He followed.

Moonbeam rode behind her brother on her own horse.

Nier felt a cold chill go up his spine, but chose to ignore it. "Hmmm..."

"Everyone has their orders, when we cross the bridge, we prepare for the ambush." Rolf barked.

Nier waited patiently, his finger twitching from excitement.

Seph crouched and felt the ground, hoping he could hear the caravan before the others and muttered to himself, "Please let us be safe."

Roux looked at Seph on the ground and rolled her eyes. "Let's do this," she said grinning.

"Don't roll your eyes at hope," Sephtis moaned. "We might die. At least I am hopeful we won't." \

"Can't live your life on mights boy. We all will die one day. Best do it having fun," Rolf scowled.

Moonbeam laughed, "Right, I will go down fighting."

"I know that sir," Sephtis answered, "Doesn't mean I cannot hope for a good outcome."

The bandits traveled through the woods making as little noise as possible.

Rolf held up his hand bringing the bandits to a stop behind him. "Alright, here is where I expect them to be. Fan out into the woods and wait for Fox's signal. Fox find a high spot and let us know when you see the lead wagon."

Ryker asked, "Are we attacking as soon as they come into view? Or are we waiting?"

"As soon as they are in range we will rush them. They should be confused and easy pickings." Rolf grinned.

"Understood," Ryker acknowledged and rode off with his sister.

Ogden grumbled, "C'mon, let's get into position." He looked between Seph and Nier,

"Always left in charge of the greenhorns," he groaned.

Sephtis made a confused face, "What are greenhorns and why am I one?" he asked.

Ogden smacked his palm to his forehead, "Nothing. Just get moving."

Sephtis thought about it for a minute, "Are you sure it is nothing because it seems like something..."

Ogden growled through his teeth and walked away.

"I.. I didn't mean to annoy him," Sephtis said looking slightly defeated.

Arctic Fox climbed into a tree and watched the horizon awaiting the target.

Rolf turned to Moonbeam. "Stay close sis. Don't worry. It won't be long now."

Moonbeam smiled, "I'm not worried. The only thing that scares me is losing my brother."

A half hour had passed when Arctic Fox saw the target approaching. She whistled to the bandits below

Roux looked at Ryker, "That's the signal!"

With the wagons in range, Rolf lit the cloth around the tip of his arrow that had been soaked in lamp oil and fired at the grass in front of the lead wagon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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