Warm Welcome

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Astraea was sitting on the grass at the meeting point. She was spinning a dagger in her hands anxiously waiting for Sephtis to return. "What took you so long?" she asked as the wolf approached.

Sephtis walked over to her. Once he was close, enough to he shifted back to human form, "Sorry I got distracted. Did you find anything?"

Astraea raised her eyebrow but let it slide. "Yup, I found some things," she said nonchalantly, "You?"

"I heard their leader talking." Spehtis explained sitting down next to Astraea. "They need more people for a heist. I should go in now."

"A heist?" Astraea nodded, "Yeah this would be the perfect time. Just don't raise suspicion. Go along with what they do or what Rolf says yeah?" She looked at Sephtis to make sure he understood. "I found where they might be keeping the loot by the way," she added, "But it's guarded you're going to have to find out about their rotations. She got to her feet with some difficulty due to her wound. She turned her back to him. "Just don't get killed okay?" her voice faltered at the thought.

Sephtis crossed to her placing a hand on her shoulder. "I can take care of myself. I won't get killed. Just be careful with that wound of yours," he said softly.

Astraea nodded slightly. "I will. Take care." She walked away hiding the tears that formed in her eyes.

"Take care," he whispered as he stood there watching her go. He made his way to the opening of the camp, stumbled in, and called, "Anyone here?"

Arctic Fox jumped over a crate and pushed him to the ground, grabbing her knife, "Who are you!?" she snarled pressing the knife close to his throat.

Sephtis stared up at her and began to explain. "I am Sephtis," he gasped, "I was robbing a nobleman and got into a fight. I just need a few bandages gesturing to his cuts."

Arctic Fox tightened her grip on her knife, "Likely story!"

Rolf jumped to his feet at the sound of commotion outside. He burst from the tent opening, "What is going on out here?" he roared.

"I found this man trying to walk in here! I should skin him!" Arctic Fox said roughly.

"Hey now! I came looking for some help," Sephtis pleaded. "I got into a few issues with a Nobleman and need some bandages for my cuts." He glanced at the man that appeared, and then focused back on the woman with the blade.

"Forgive my friends poor hospitality stranger," Rolf said extending a hand to help him up. Rolf eyed Fox not needing to remind her to stay ready. "What is your name?" he asked returning his attention to the stranger.

Arctic Fox gave a slight nod and stood slowly. "Oh blame me!" she muttered.

Sephtis slowly stood up, careful not to make any sudden moves. "My name is Sephtis. It is fine, not the first time I have been in that position." He brushed some dust from his clothes.

Rolf took the kid in, "Sephtis hmm, your parents must have truly loved you," he chuckled. "This Nobleman, where is he now?"

"Yeah, thanks," Sephtis looked away with an inaudible growl. He returned his gaze to the man looking him in the eye, "Well, I stole a bag of gems from him and the three guards..." he began to trail off and smirked, "Well they are in worse condition than I am."

Rolf regarded the kid wearily, "You?" he mocked, "You took on three guardsman and a nobleman and made off with their gems? Forgive me if I have my doubts."

Sephtis grumbled again, "Yeah. I did. I have the gems to prove it too," he shot back.

"Prove it." Rolf demanded sliding his hand to the pommel of his sword at his hip.

Sephtis looked quizzically at the man, "Prove what?"

"Where are the gems?" Rolf asked in a short sharp manner. Stepping closer to the stranger and drawing his sword slowly. His attention is drawn away before he can get an answer.

Ogden limped into the camp, arm clutching at the wound in right side and fell to the ground.

Rolf pushed passed the boy and rushed to his friend's side, "Ogden, what happened? Where are the others?" he asked his demeanor switching from anger to concern.

"Dead," Ogden rasped, "That little bitch got the jump on us."

"Lie still and let me take a look at you," Rolf urged

"I'm fine," he said through gritted teeth pushing Rolf away. "I just need some water and some rest."

"Make yourself useful boy and fetch some water from the steam," Rolf growled over his shoulder toward Sephtis. "What happened?" he queried returning his attention to Ogden.

"We were on our way to meet you at the tavern as we planned. Next thing I knew Grieves was lying face down in the mud with an arrow through his throat. She took each of us down one by one until it was only Rawlins and I left. She managed to land a lucky shot to my side after Rawlins hit me with a tree branch," Ogden recounted.

"Yes, Sir," Sephtis acknowledged and scrambled to find a bucket. Rushed to the stream and back, making sure not to spill any water "Here you go Sir."

"I barely made it a way. She said to give you this message. She knows it was you and she's coming to kill you," Ogden continued.

Sephtis looked confused and without thinking asked "Who?"

Ogden snatched the bucket from his hands and took a long drink. "None of your business boy," he spat.

Sephtis realized he had spoken at a wrong moment, "Sorry Sir," apologized and backed away.

"Fox deal with this boy." Rolf ordered helping Ogden to his tent.

Arctic Fox smiled broadly, "Of course Rolf!" She looked at the boy and grabbed her knife. "How should I deal with you?" her eyes danced with glee.

"I-I doubt that is what he meant," Sephtis stammered.

Arctic Fox swung her blade at him, "Boy, you have no clue," she laughed.

Sephtis blocked her swing and disarmed her. "How did I go from show me your gems to fighting you?!" he puzzled.

"Poor little boy. I was going to deal with you the moment you walked in here," she smirked.

She threw several punches at Sephtis, landing all but two, knocking the boy off his feet.

Sephtis knelt holding his stomach waiting for Fox to finish him.

She twirled her knife and walked over, muttering "Finally a good fight. Too bad you won't be around for a round two," she chided.

Once Fox was close enough, he dove forward knocking her to the ground and disarmed her again. "M'lady, I will always be there for a round two." He picked up the knife and stabbed the ground next to her head. "Your weapon," he offered slowly standing up.

Arctic Fox lay there blinking up at him. After a minute, she stood as well. Amazed at the boy's talent she yelled to Rolf, "Rolf! I am keeping him!"

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