New Friends

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"Alright Ketara nice and easy" Rowan said as they made their descent.

Ketara landed gently in clearing. The Aviary was nothing more than an old farm. There were two barns made of wood and stone, one large enough to shelter the dragon and the other held a small flock of sheep, some cows, and two horses. A small house Where Rowan and his sister lived stood near the edge of the forest. A small garden lay along the south of the house.

"How fare you lady?" Rowan asked as he helped the lady down from Ketara's back.

"That was quiet thrilling. Thank you for the lift, kind dragon!" she replied stroking her fingers agaist Ketara's neck.

"Quite welcome lady," Ketara purred.

"Alright Ketara lets find you some food" Rowan said walking toward the smaller of the two barns

"You read my mind Rowan," Ketara said as she nestled down into the grass.

Rowan returned a minute later with a wheelbarrow and two freshly slaughter sheep

"Here you are you growing girl. Two fresh sheep."

Ketara picked up the sheep with her talons and took them to her roost in the larger barn.

"Dear lady have you eaten? I will gladly accompany you to the tavern to find some food and a room for the night." Rowan asked as his stomach growled.

"I have not. If you can spare the time it would be appreciated," the young woman replied trying to hide the fact that she had not had a warm meal for some time.

"As you wish lady please come this way" Rowan turned and began walk toward the village.

"Thank you." She said and began to follow Rowan.

"Tell me a bit more about yourself."

"Well my name is Katrina and I have been wandering most my life" she began.

"Why have you been wandering? Where are you from?" Rowan inquired.

"I am the last heir of my family who once resided in the Glacier Kingdom. I have been journeying over many seas and through forbidden woods since I was ten." Katrina continued.

"You seem well traveled then. How did you survive on your own for so long?"

"Ah. My father was a royal solider and taught me how to survive before he went to fight." A hint of sadness marred her otherwise pretty eyes.

"Where is he now?" Rowan asked.

"I don't know... He was lost in the war, never to return." Katrina looked away to hide the tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Rowan, said regretting that he had asked.

"It is alright kind knight. If he still has breath in his lungs, I know he is searching for me. If he no longer does then I know he is safe above with his beautiful wife." She said the stony mask returning to her.

"My lady I am no knight. I have never even been to the castle before. I'm sure you will reunite with him one day." Rowan reassured her.

"Ah. Forgive me then," She said. "Maybe one day, but for now I shall wander"

"Well we have arrived lets grab a bite and get you settled." Rowan opened the door for Katrina

"Thank you" she said with a nod and walked into the tavern.

The tavern was well lit and inviting the warmth of the fire, the smells of roasting meat and fresh ales filled the room.

"There's a table over there," Rowan said pointing out a table near the wall.

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