In Need

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Katrina wandered back to the outside of the tavern. Talking to herself "Why did I knock over that cart? I knew I couldn't be in another village..." She shook the thought from her head. "Hmm. I wonder whither Rowan's dragon went. She was a nice one. Mayhap she resides in the aviary with him? Now which way was that? North? hm mayhap, I shall go there first."

Siobhan stepped out of the alley when she recognized Katrina's voice. "The aviary is West of here, I believe."

Katrina whirled around with a knife drawn, sliding it back into her belt when she saw to whom the voice belonged. "Oh thou have returned hither too? Wouldst thou like to find it with me? I am not great with directions, well not anymore."

"Alright." Siobhan agreed and began to walk towards the aviary.

"Splendid!" Katrina exclaimed and followed.

The pair walked beside each other in silence, not knowing that they were being followed.

"Here it is, I think," Siobhan said stepping off the wooded path into a clearing. "Katrina, are you coming?"

Katrina rushed to catch up. She was covered with dirt all over her. "Y-yes! Sorry, there was an incident."

"Should we look for Rowan's dragon now?" Siobhan asked taking in the small farm. The lights in the house were still a glow.

"We may as well," Katrina said as they made their way in silence to the larger barn and pushed the door open quietly.

Katrina sensed movement in the shadows, as her eyes adjusted to the dark. "Wait Siobhan, something is here."

Siobhan whispered into the vast space "Hello?" She slid a hunting knife from her belt. Her greeting was answered with a deafening roar.

"There thou art! We were searching for thou!" Katrina said with a bow.

"Katrina is that you?" Ketara asked angrily, "What are you doing back here and who is this?"

Rowan sprang to his feet when he heard Ketara's roar. Fearing the worst he ran toward the Aviary. "Ketara..." He yelled, "Ketara..." No answer. He burst through the barn door and grabbed the pitchfork leaning against the wall. "What's going on?" He demanded. Surprised by what he found.

"Yes! This is Siobhan a friend. Me and Rowan ran into. Finding a place to stay was harder than expected." Katrina explained to Ketara, she seemed a bit off. Perhaps the ale had gotten to her. She looked at Rowan and slightly waved, "Hi again."

"Katrina?" Rowan asked confused, "What is the meaning of this?"

"So sorry to bother thou again. I couldn't find a place to stay and I was hoping Ketara wouldst allow me to stay hither," She apologized.

"Sorry about the bother, Rowan" Siobhan said stepping out from behind a pillar. "Anyways, m'lady, I guess you could share a room with me at the tavern?" She cast her eyes down in disappointment.

Rowan couldn't stand to turn the two women away. "You are both welcome to stay, but my guest room has already been promised. You two can share mine if you wish. I will sleep out here with Ketara."

"Oh, I couldn't bother you more," Katrina said. She took a small pouch from her pocket and weighed it in her hand. "Siobhan. I fear I cannot offer much."

"That won't be necessary, sir." Siobhan said looking disheartened. "But if I may ask, who's your guest room promised to? You can't have many visitors around here... and m'lady, it's no bother to me. I've slept in more uncomfortable spots than the floor."

"Nay Rowan. I cannot do that to thou." Katrina agreed. She smiled at Siobhan "I mean we art two wanders in one day aren't we? The floor is quite comfortable though. I live in the forest remember."

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