In Search of Bandits

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"What did you mean about boys and their reputations back there?" Sephtis asked.

Astraea looked innocently at him, "Nothing," she chirped flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Tell me, can you turn into a dragon?" she asked quickly changing the subject.

Sephtis narrowed his eyes, but sensed she didn't want to explain more. "Yes, I can. I can turn into most animals. I'm just more comfortable in a wolf form." He admitted.

"I see. Are you sure about doing this?" she pressed, "If you get caught...Rolf doesn't take kindly to spies."

"Yes, I know how it feels to be caged in a world you don't belong to..." he trailed off and sighed, "I need to do this. Don't worry about me. I have been through worse."

Astraea sneered. "Being through worse doesn't mean it won't hurt though... Never mind. Let's just go over your cover story."

Sephtis thought for a moment, "I know... Cover story... I'm Sephtis, a twenty-seven-year-old scavenger. I have started many fights, where no one was left to tell the tale. Those who do..." he smirked, "are scarred for life."

"Good enough," Astraea nodded, "Although maybe change your appearance a bit, maybe a few more scars, a different eye color," She suggested.

Sephtis stopped and turned to her, "Okay. Punch me."

Astraea grinned, "You sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. Are you sure you can add a few scars or should I get you a stick to help?" Sephtis prodded.

Astraea punched his jaw and kneed him in the stomach. Then she swept his legs from under him.

Sephtis fell to the grassy floor gasping for breath. He wiped his bloody lips as he stood gingerly back up. With a chuckle he said, "You have nice form."

Astraea beamed at him, "I know, she teased, "You want me to go on?"

"Heh, at least you are confident about it," he said rubbing his jaw. "Maybe a few more, but maybe some knife scars would help prove a point."

Astraea smiled coyly, "This is going to be fun." She removed the dagger hidden in her boot.

Sephtis eyed her, "Just remember I still have to be capable of working for them."

Astraea stopped the blade by his cheek. "I know," she laughed, just before she cut him.

"Good. Now go," He braced himself for the bite of the blade.

Astraea made quick of her work and stepped back to examine it. "Looks good," she smiled.

Sephtis winced in pain slightly, "So looks good now?"

"Yup, much better than before" Astraea jested.

"Good. Now how much farther?" he asked

"Not much."

"Good. Now, you said you were called to save the dragon eggs, does that mean you are a dragon trainer?" Sephtis probed.

"No I'm not. I was hired," Astraea said flatly.

"Makes sense. You didn't strike me as one, but I thought I would ask." He shrugged.

"Beware ye who enter here. These woods are full of dangers," a strange voice echoed around them.

"Who goes there?" Sephtis looked around frantically to discern when the voice was coming from.

Astraea gasped and then sighed, "Oh it's you."

A blue glow appeared before them taking the shape of a woman in a flowing dress that seemed to shimmer in the sun.

"Beware humans there are things in these woods that don't take kindly to being disturbed." The voice implored.

"Thank you spirit, but can you tell us more?" Sephtis beseeched, but as quickly as she had appeared the spirit was gone.

Astraea rolled her eyes at Sephtis.

"Okay! We're leaving! Enjoy your nap," she said to the open woods. Turning to Sephtis she punched him in the arm, "Do you have a death wish? She'll tell us more by showing us what she means."

Sephtis rubbed his arm. "Better to die knowing than die unaware," he murmured.

"In other circumstances yes, I'll agree with you. But we have lives depending on us."

"Okay, okay. We must go, but take care spirit." He whispered stopping to look deeper into the woods. "Wait up Astraea" he called running to catch-up to her. He crashed into her back as she stopped abruptly.

"Shh!" She scolded looking annoyed, "We're here"

Sephtis stepped back and straitened himself out. "Should I walk in there. Or should we watch them for a bit?"

"We should watch them for a while," she ordered.

"Okay. You take the left and I'll go right?" Sephtis offered, "Or do we stick together?"

"We should split up, we'll cover more ground. Here take my knife in case you get attacked.

Sephtis took the knife, "Thank you M'lady."

"No problem."

"Meet back here at sunset?" he asked.

"Yes let's," she said sneaking around the edge of a tree.

"Okay." Sephtis turned to his right and began to walk. He whisper over his shoulder, "Good Luck. Be safe."

He shifted into his wolf form and ran off into the dense foliage.

Astraea turned back and mouthed "No!" but it was too late. "Shit, I should've warned him about shifting. What if someone saw?" She breathed. She looked around to see if anyone had chanced upon them. "Seems clear," she thought and continued on her way.

Sephtis heard the sharp no and looked back to Astraea, who is looking about. "Hearing her concern he snickered to himself, "Don't worry I am very aware of my surroundings." He ran straight into a tree trunk that was hidden by bushes. "Crap." he looked about to make sure no one saw. Then continued to run until he found a spot to watch the camp

Astraea heard his voice and thud as he hit the tree she stifled her laughter, shaking her head and continued walking.

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