34) Their Beginning

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Damien was beginning to get used to falling asleep and waking up to Ella. Having her smaller and warm body up against his during the cold winter months, having her unintentionally snuggle to him was a feeling that he was sure he would never get tired of.

This morning was no different. Ella had been the first to sleep last night after running around, preparing some decorations for the New Year. Damien had climbed in, kissing her forehead as she mumbled out a quiet, "have a safe trip."

What Ella didn't know was that Damien had actually decided not to leave. Quite the opposite, in fact. Damien was going to propose to her.

After spending more time with Ella and her family, Damien had decided that this was what he wanted for the rest of his life. He wanted Ella to be the person that was always by his side and vice versa. She was more than he could ever ask for, and while he knew that they had only dated for a short amount of time compared to other couples, he knew her past, her present, and wanted to become a part of her future.

He could remember how vividly the idea had came to him, and how nervous he had been to speak to her parents first. That was his first priority, too: speaking with Timoteo and Elizabeth and asking for Ella's hand in marriage. Call him old schooled, but he want them to know that he serious about her, and he also knew that Ella greatly valued her parents' guidance.

Once they accepted, he took Ella's mother downtown one day when Ella had slept in- the girl didn't even notice that they had left the house. Downtown, Damien, with the help of Elizabeth, picked out a beautiful diamond that would suit Ella for the big day.

"She'll say yes, don't you worry." Elizabeth had assured Damien when she saw how nervous he was right after buying the ring.

"I hope so. She..." Damien nervously smiled; Ella was his everything. If she said no... he didn't even want to think about it.

Elizabeth smiled, wrapping her arm through Damien's as they walked back to their car. Parking had been a pain last time, so Damien had parked further back, thus, them having to walk a tad bit more.

"When Ella was born, I remember how fiercely protective Fransisco became of her. When Stefanie was born, he was still a protective brother, but the difference between his treatment of Ella and Stefanie was seen. We all cared for her tender heart, knowing that she would end up falling for the wrong person. However, our Ella is smart." Elizabeth smiled proudly, her eyes glistening with tears. "I prayed that I would get to see my children grow up. I prayed that I would get to see them graduate. Now I pray that I see them happy," Elizabeth sniffed, fighting back her tears uselessly. "I'm so happy... you treat her like she's the most delicate rose you've been around but also like she's the most powerful being to walk this planet."

Damien looked away, still awkward about how to treat crying women. The only reason he even knew how to deal with a crying Ella was because he just did. He didn't like seeing her cry, his natural instinct was to rush forward, to defend and to care for her. It was an innate thing for him, really.

"I know you will make her so happy, and I know she'll make you really happy too. I can't wait until you ask either!" Elizabeth squealed, laughing at Damien's chuckling.

Now... now Damien was nervous. He had wanted to make sure that everything would be to Ella's liking.

Walking downstairs with his suitcase in hand, he was cautious as to not wake anyone up. As far as everyone but Timotheo and Elizabeth knew, he was on his merry way back to Georgia. He would leave his suitcase in the garage for Timotheo to later pick it up without anyone being suspicious.

"What are you doing?" A low voice hushed out while Damien was passing by the kitchen.

"Stefanie," Damien almost growled out, frightened by the sudden presence of another person.

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