Chapter 17

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The idea for part of this chapter is from @AhpmauRedfox

Thank you so much I really like the idea!

I sprinted to the front and met everyone there, there was already a cab waiting for us. I hopped in and we left.

"Is everyone here?" I asked.

"Yep, I counted," Tessa said.

"This party wasn't fun like I thought it would be," Elliot said.

"Yeah, I never would've imagined we'd get chased down by a group of high schoolers," Jake said.

"I was looking forward to this all week, kind of a let down," Liam said.

"Yeah, we all did so much work to sneak out and we didn't even get to spend anytime having fun," Mason said.

That's when I had a brilliant idea.

"Wait, what if we all go back to my house! We all climb up the ladder to my room and hang out! we can watch a movie and order pizza!"

"Seems a little risky...but I'm in," Liam said.

"If they didn't notice us sneaking out they won't notice anyone sneaking in," Tessa said.


Everyone agreed that they're in.

We arrived at my house and thanked the driver and paid him. I led everyone to my window where the ladder is.

"I'll go first," Tessa volunteered.

Everyone climbed up that ladder and It was silent. That's kind of weird. I climbed up the ladder and slowly climbed inside. I immediately turned and closed the window but when I turned around...I was terrified.

Tessa, Jake, Liam, Elliot, Mason and I just stood by the window facing ALL OF OUR SIBLINGS! Everyone one of my friends has at least one older sibling, My brothers, Tessa's sister, Elliot's older brother, Liam's older sister and brother, Jake's two older brothers, and Mason's older sister.

"BUSTED!" Jaxon screamed.

I know I can speak for all of my friends when I say we were speechless. How did they even contact all of my friends older siblings?!

"What?!" My friends and I all yelled at the same time.

All of us were getting yelled at by our siblings and dragged out the door including Tessa.

After everyone left my brothers called us into the living room, I'm doomed.

I sat down on the couch of course next to my two most intimidating brothers, Sebastian and Jaxon. I crossed my arms to try and look intimidating but it wasn't working.

"Where do I even begin?" Tyler said.

"At the beginning," I commented. I was smirking because I think I'm funny but my brothers were not impressed.

"You think this is a joke?" Blake said.

I shook my head.

"You could've been seriously hurt or kidnapped or-"

"Why would I be kidnapped?" I interrupted.

My brothers then looked at each other like there was something they're hiding from me.

"What? Why are you guys making that face at each other?" I questioned.

"George, you have once again broken several of our rules, so, this will result in consequences," Tyler said.

Usually, I'd be upset right now, but, I think that this time, they actually deserve to be mad at me. I didn't even try asking about going to the party, so maybe if I did they would've let me go. Maybe it's time for me to take responsibility.

"I'm sorry snuck out," I said. They all looked shocked at my apology.

"Thank you for apologizing," Tyler said.

"I think I owe you guys a lot of apologies, I'm always trying to sneak out and do things I shouldn't, but you guys are just trying to look out for me,"

"FINALLY!" Jaxon yelled.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"George, you're strong, but you're still young and there's a lot you don't know about, we're just trying to look out for you."

I honestly don't know how to respond to that. Sebastian is the last person who I'd expect to say that too.

"Alright we'll thank you for apologizing but that doesn't fix what you did. You're ground for three weeks." Tyler said.

My eyes widened a little when he said that. I'll admit that I kind of deserve it though.

I just nodded to show I understand.

"Did you have fun at the party?" Jaxon asked.

"Shut it Jaxon," Blake said.

"What I was just asking."

"No, not really."

"So it wasn't even worth it," Sebastian mumbled.

"No it wasn't," I said.

Fast forward to 9:00 at night

I was laying in my bed on my phone when I heard noise coming from downstairs. I took off my headphones to hear better and I went down quietly.

"What do you mean he wants her back?!" Caleb yelled.

"He's wants full custody over her," Tyler said.

What are they talking about? Is it me?

"Over my dead body," Sebastian said.

"We'll take him to court and win, trust me we have much better lawyers than him," Blake said.

"WHAT IF WE LOSE?!" Caleb screamed.

"We won't," Blake says.

"What to we do? Then what?! Huh? George will be taken away and sent to go back to living with that loser," Caleb said.

They're talking about me. They're talking about Wesley. Wesley wants full custody over me. But why? Why does he want to hurt me again? I don't ever talk about my past life before I lived with my brothers. After my mother died, Wesley my stepdad was in full custody over me. I'm not even sure why she was dating Wesley in the first place but she was. Wesley was an alcoholic. I used to stay late after school just so I wouldn't have to go home. Over time I just became tougher because I had to be. Some nights I didn't have dinner I would go to bed hungry but i never told anyone about it. I never wanted anyone to know and that includes my brothers. I never want to go back to living with Wesley I want to stay with my brothers.

"Calm down guys George isn't going anywhere," Alex said.

"How can we know that's true? Tyler we need a better plan than just winning in court," Jaxon said.

"Jaxon you have barely any input in this I'm the legal guardian," Tyler said.

"Oh I'm sorry that I don't want our sister to get taken away and abused by her alcoholic stepfather," Jaxon said.

"HEY! Don't say that. She's not getting taken away by anyone I promise you that," Alex said.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long and I know this was a short chapter but I'm working on the next one! It's going to be awesome!

In the comments tell me your ideas of what you want to happen! I'll definitely take all of them into consideration!

Thank you!

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