13 ┊ rejection

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"Class is finished!" Korosensei announces as he left the country through the class window immediately to eat in the Philippines.

I stood up and put my bag on my chair, fixing my things as I was quite anxious to know who gave me the love letter. I could feel Karma's stare on me as he watched me pack my bag so I looked at him with arched eyebrows. "What?"

He had a hesitant look on his face before he replied to me, "Are you going to accept... the letter?"

"It depends on who gave it."

If it was him, sure. But the way he reacted earlier, it doesn't seem like it was him who gave it.

There was emotions swirling in his eyes as I replied to him, but it was promptly switched with a smirk on his face as he stood up with his hands on his pockets as he told me, "Don't regret whatever decision you make."

And left.

Why is he acting all so sentimental now? It's not like I'm going to accept it. I just didn't want to directly say that I wouldn't accept any other confessions, especially when I already love someone.

Even if this love is one-sided, I'd never stoop so low as to make somebody my rebound for Karma. They don't deserve to get hurt just because I'm hurting.

Putting my backpack on my back, I went to Rio and told her that she doesn't need to wait for me and can go home on her own today as I still have to go to the equipment shed.

She grinned at me and patted my shoulder. "Good luck, man!"

I was about to turn away at her when she suddenly leaned into my ear and whispered, "You better not accept it. I'm routing for you and Karma."

I rolled my eyes at what she said and left the classroom to go to the told place, by the equipment shed.

There was no one there yet, which was good, since I can think a bit to myself as I leaned on the wall of the equipment shed.

What do I say without breaking their heart...?

I'm sorry, but I love someone else already.

Sorry, I'm not interested in you.

I don't want to. Sorry.

No matter what I think of, I'll just end up breaking their heart!

I was biting my nail out of habit again and before I could think of anything else, someone spoke, making me look at them with wide eyes.

"Oh... You're already here..."

He was carrying a bouquet of white flowers in one hand, a stuffed bunny and chocolate on the other hand as he looked at me with a slight blush on his face.

"Um... Did you wait long?" Isogai asked as he looked apologetic, walking towards me. "I'm sorry for taking so long."

My eyes widened, not knowing what to say.


He smiled at me so gently that even his eyes showed sincerity and so much love as he looked at me. "Can I start?"

I bit my lip, nodding.

"Okay... so... for the longest time, I've had a crush on you, (Name). Even in the start of the school year, I've already noticed you. I've fallen for you because of how beautiful you are— not just physically, but you are so, so beautiful because of your inner beauty. I love how you're so full of wisdom, and how you don't give up even in the hardest times. You know how to stand up for yourself, and you know your own rights. We've only been close recently, but I really don't want to lose to someone. When Korosensei announced that there was an upcoming test, I finally decided to come out of my shell and ask you out to hang out with you. But you denied since you were busy that day. I was discouraged that time when you told that to me, so when you asked me out to study later that time I was really happy and shocked at the same time that you asked me to study with you. We began to get more closer since that day, and I was satisfied to be friends with you— I still am satisfied with being friends with you, because even if we're only just friends, I can still see you smile. Heck, I don't think that this is even a crush anymore." The last sentence he said was merely a whisper, but it was still enough for me to hear.

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