11 ~ lightning

69 4 3

Anna slept all the way back to the academy, I can never finish our song. My throat clogs up with tears I try to hold back and I end up not being able to sing it. I softly wake Anna up when we arrive at the academy and I watch her slump away tiredly, unknowing of what she is doing back to her room. When everyone had dispersed, I turn away and run into the woods taking a few bags with me.

"Ashleigh? Are you here?" I shout as I near the house. In the corner of my eye I see a shadow or at least I think it's a shadow. I instantly turn my attention in that direction to find just tress. I must be seeing things.

" Elsa?" I hear Ashleigh say behind me. I turn around and she stands in the entrance of the structure. " are you okay?"

" yes... Kind off." I say quickly, glancing over my shoulder before walking over to her.

" what's wrong?" She asks.

" firstly, I brought you some stuff, Anna bought me loads of stuff I'm never going to wear so I'd thought you would like them"I say lifting the bags up. She glares at me before taking them out of my hands.

" uhh thanks" she says smiling appreciatively at me. " so what's wrong?" She asks, sitting by her lit fire.

" well uhhh, it's Jack" I start.

" you've forgiven him?" She guesses.

" something like that, I told him he needed to prove he loves me, do you think I made the right...decision?" I ask.

" it's obvious you really like him well love him so yeah" she replies.

" Ashleigh?"

" Elsa?"

" why don't you go to the academy?" I ask, desperately wanting to know the answer.

" it's a long story" she dismisses but I'm not going to let her get away with it that easily. I edge closer towards her and place my chin in my hands indicating that im willing to listen to her supposed long story.

" do I have to tell you?" She asks in the hope I tell her she doesn't. I shake my head and she sighs.

" okay it started a long time ago..."

( this is told as if Elsa's telling it from a third person perspective)

Ashleigh looks at the building in front of her in the midst of all the new students that year. It all seemed a little overwhelming for her. She desperately searched around for a familiar face but only greeted by many unknown faces. She tried to look forward to see if there was an adult

to guide her but couldn't see over the heads of the taller students in front of her.

" students please follow me" she heard from where she thought the front was. The students around then erupted into movement in she wasn't expecting so she got pushed out of the way, unfortunately she tripped on well on her feet and fell to the floor. Losing the will to carry on she placed her head in her hands, just wishing that her mother would come and take her to heaven with her.

" excuse me, are you okay?" A voice asked her, she slowly looks up and finds a boy looking down on her with brunet hair and malteaser eyes.

" uhh yeah I'm okay just uhhh a-a little over-whelmed I guess" she stuttered as she took his hand to help her up.

" I know what you mean. My names Oliver, what's yours?"

"Ashleigh, Ash for short" He smiles at her and they stand there awkwardly looking at each other. After a few minutes they gain their senses and follow the rest of the crowd inside.

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