Important Note

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So I just finished the Original 13. Before I move on to whatever group is next(I haven't checked yet) I want to change and go over some things.

The first thing is that I want to revamp the cover and summary. I want to make a new cover because I've been getting better at editing. I just want to change it up. I want to change the summary because when I first started this fanfiction I had no idea what I was doing. Now that I know, I want to tweak the summary slightly and add the ship(South Italy x America).

The second thing is that I want to rewrite the information for Delaware's chapter. Again I had no idea what I was doing and the other chapters have so much more information. Another thing I want to change about the state chapters is the ages. Most of the states will be 16-13, but the ages they came to America with will vary. I realized that the Original 13 would have been older than America when they appeared. And if they were 10 when they appeared, that means they should be older than 16 in modern-day. So those starting ages will change.

The third thing is that I just want to go over every chapter again. I just want to look for mistakes and maybe add a revolution paragraph for the states that don't have a Civil War paragraph or a disaster one(New York).

While I won't be making any other changes I do have another thing to discuss.

After every state group(Examples: The Original 13 or the Louisiana Purchase) I want to write something to celebrate. I've thought about doing a shitpost, doing something with Hamilton, or doing an extra character chapter(Like with Mexico or Greenland).

Concerning Hamilton, I've always given the states roles whenever I listen to Hamilton. If I ever write song chapters with Hamilton, I'll start with 'My Shot' and end with 'The World Was Wide Enough'. Plenty of songs will be skipped or cut short. Not to mention roles will frequently change, pretty sure like three characters or more play Hamilton(America, Massachusetts, and Maryland). It will start with the Revolution in 'My Shot' and during 'Nonstop' the Louisiana Purchase states and the Spanish states come in. The Civil War starts with 'Washington on Your Side'. The times are all over the place.

With all that detail it does seem like a might go for Hamilton but it would take time and a lot of lyric reading. Although my determination to write could get me through the work.

Second to last thing, languages and accents. I'm not doing accents because I'll probably fuck it up and some accents are hard to read (cough cough Sweden cough cough). The only other language I know is Russian because Im learning it. I won't use other language a lot but if I do Russian is going to be the most frequent. 

And the last thing, I have a Deviantart account. You can find the link to it on my profile. There's nothing posted currently but I do have Georgia drawings I want to add. 

Thank you for listening to my ramblings. 

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