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(Note - Another chapter up! I only own my states that's it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell me if I get anything wrong. 

So Christmas break is coming up. I'll also be on my break. And when I mean break, I mean I'll have my time to edit and write the main story. So the next 2 parts of Lovino trying to take America out on a date will be posted. You, my readers, can request stories or give me ideas for the dates. I'll probably write about 3 date scenes in the date chapter. (This chapter was edited(12/24/20)) 

Michigan appeared in 1686, he was found by Virginia eating berries on the floor. Michigan was 10 at the time. In modern-day, he is 16. He is the 26th state. 

Before America (1686-1763), Michigan spent his time running around towns and playing with other children. 

Michigan's name is Micheal Jones. His nicknames are Micha, Michi, Mikey, and Minchi. If you're wondering, the 2nd and 4th are similar because D.C mispronounced Michi and said Minchi. And then all the states proceeded to call him that for 2 months. 

How to pronounce them? Michi is 'me chee'. Which on google translate, where I was trying to figure out how to pronounce it, is the Japanese word for road. Michigan is a road. Minchi is just 'min-chee', it is also the Japanese word (according to google translate) for minced meat. Michigan is a minced meat road. 

Michigan has lightly tanned skin with warm light brown hair. His eyes are blue-gray. Michigan has shaggy hair that stops a little below his chin. He usually tries to comb it back. Although, there are plenty of unruly strands of hair that represent his islands. They like making his job hard. America thinks they're cute, though. 

Michigan has 83 little keychains that look like different guns. These represent his counties. His counties are guns. I'm just starting to think of the most random shit for counties. 

Michigan is a pretty chill state. Well, when it comes to Ohio let's just say it gets serious. Being in the room with the two is a nightmare. 

Michigan is a couch potato. He loves his potato chips, his addiction has gotten to the point where America only allows him to eat 1 whole bag a day. America did try to decrease it to one little bag a day but Michigan almost bit his fucking leg off soooooooooooo. 

Another thing he isn't chill about is card and board games. He's pretty competitive in Monopoly but who isn't? Side note, did you know there are 1144 versions of Monopoly. Like damnnnn, that's a lot. 

Michigan is most competitive when playing euchre. 

While Michigan does like camping a lot, he's not opposed to spending some time on the water. He's basically a fish. 

He used to own a boathouse but after he and Ohio tried to drown each other America forced him to sell it. 

Michigan loves cars and likes fixing them up. By extension, he adores the Henry Ford Museum. Michigan's favorite car has to be the wienermobile. 

Michigan doesn't have enough patience to admire fine art but Alaska sure does. And that's why the little state drags him to the Detroit Institute of Arts every time they're in town. 

New Hampshire isn't the only state that loves taking pictures. Michigan enjoys taking pictures of nature by the water. His favorite place to go in his state is Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. 

Michigan loathes the times when his fellow states bring up his love for gymnastics. You take one class and now everyone has to tease you about being 'flexible'. 

Fun fact readers! I, the author who can't seem to follow their update schedule, took a gymnastics class when I was 5 or 6. Got pulled out because my parents didn't want me to snap my neck. Also pretty sure the teacher was a pedophile, he made some questionable comments. My favorite part was probably the balance beams. 

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