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Ohio's chapter is being edited but I couldn't stop thinking about this. Just skip this chapter if you don't wanna listen to my rant. Ohio will be up today.

Gosh, I'm going to get hate for this but I have no sympathy for England in the context of the Revolution.  

I don't think I will ever have sympathy for England. Even when he broke down after America became Independent. 

Listen for a sec. 

The British didn't treat the Colonists well. I remember seeing this in Liberty Kids and reading about it. 

'It also ordered them to feed British troops and let them live in their houses. Britain claimed that the soldiers were in the colonies to protect the people.'

Before I really get to why I have no sympathy for England. Just read this sentence. Like gosh, that's so creepy. Imagine having to let a soldier in your home. To feed them your food that you worked so hard on. For the soldier to live there. And you couldn't say anything. That probably gave the soldiers so much power. 

Earlier this moring I read a comment on youtube that was about how Britain treated the Colonists. I remember reading that many Colonists were raped. 

That's just creepy. Imagine what would have happened if England was away and America was alone. 

Let's not forget salutary neglect. Basically, Britain let the colonist govern themselves to ensure loyalty. Putting this into Hetalia context would mean England would have left America for 8 years. 

Ok back to the Revolution, I hear a lot of people from the fandom say that America is a brat for rebelling. I also see people criticizing him for rebelling over taxes. 

Well, first off. Britain was taxing the Colonists because of the Seven Years War. Britain was broke after that. Most of the Colonists were farmers. So imagine the already poor Colonist have to pay higher taxes. They at least have a right to be mad about that. 

The Colonists didn't rebel only over taxes. (The Revoltuion didn't start after the Boston Tea Party.) I think the taxes were the breaking point. 

The reason why all of this makes me not sympathize with England. 

Britain or England did something bad and the Revolution was a consequence. England was at fault. Even if the Colonists didn't start rebelling and stayed down. It would have happened at some point. The Revolution could have been bloodier if the tension kept building. 

Another note that isn't related to my England thing but related to the America's Independence. I read something a few minutes before writing this, 3 reasons why America shouldn't have become Independence. 

The first reason was about slavery, if we stayed with Britian slavery would have be stopped earlier. Well first off, it wasn't like the whole country was with slavery. There were even black soldiers during the Revolution. I still don't get why they said that this is enough to make a case. 

The second the Native American population. The British didn't even treat the Native Americans right either. I still don't get that point. 

The third point, the government would be better. I really don't wanna get into this point, I don't like politics. I don't understand them. This is a good case but not a good enough case against why America should be with Britian still. 

When people say stuff like this was only response is. How do you know it would have gone this way? The thing about alt-history is that there are many different paths. What if the Revolution failed and the Colonists were subjected to absolute suffering in punishment. (Think of this in a Hetalia context, America would suffer more than the Colonists. Don't gave me that shit about England loving America and breaking his arm. England wouldn't have given mercy.) Remember America didn't become a world super power right away. England was still the super power, their pride was a bit hurt tho. 

Sorry for this, America is one of my favorite characters. Not because I'm American. But because America is so easy to relate to. All countries have their bad and good moments. 

I might need to make a rant book soon. 

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