• Chapter 2

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"Earth to Molly. Are you even trying to listen to me?"

Molly jumped slightly while turning towards Cameron, who was staring at her expectantly. She slowly sat up from the wall and leaned back on the pillow behind her at the foot of his bed. Cameron, who was sitting on the opposite side of the bed with a sketchbook in his hand, had apparently been trying to talk to her. However, she was too busy trying to think of ideas for a Homecoming theme that she didn't even hear him.

"What did you say?" She asked him.

"I asked you if you and Aunt Tessa were going to the Open House tomorrow night," He repeated.

"Oh," Molly sighed while running her hands through her hair and looking back down at her paper, "Yeah, I have to be there. You know that."

When Cameron noticed how distracted she looked at the piece of paper in front of her, he put his sketchbook down and leaned closer to her, "Okay, what did that paper ever do to you? Did you get half a point taken off of a question?"

Molly gave him a sneer before replying, "No. I'm trying to come up with ideas for a theme for the Homecoming dance. We have a meeting next week to choose the theme, and I only have one word on the paper."

"Which is?" He asked her.


He just stared at her for a moment with an incredulous look. She groaned, "Don't look at me like that. You're making me feel stupid."

"I'm just shocked that Molly freakin' Claron hasn't come up with any ideas. Are you feeling well?" He asked jokingly while holding the back of his hand up to my forehead.

She smacked his arm away while he started to laugh, "Cam, come on! Cindy will be so happy if I don't have any ideas, and I'm not giving that bitch the satisfaction. Please help me."

When Molly started to pout her lip at Cameron, he couldn't help, but sigh, "You're lucky you're my best friend."

"I definitely am," She smiled before handing the paper over to him.

He stared down at it while trying to come up with any sort of idea. Then, he suggested, "What about something cliche? Don't girls love that cliche shit?"

"Depends on what girl it is. What cliche thing are you thinking off?" She asked him.

"Like a Night Under The Stars or a Walk Along The Beach sort of cliche?" He asked her.

Molly mentally facepalmed herself before taking the paper back and saying, "Congratulations, you have managed to sound cliche and give the two worst ideas in the history of Homecoming theme ideas."

Cameron bit his lip so he wouldn't try to laugh. Molly noticed this, so she reached behind her and grabbed her pillow. She tried to hide her smile while smacking a hysterical Cameron with it. Then, she couldn't help it. She threw the pillow down and started to laugh with her best friend.

Their laughter broke off when there was a knock on the open door. Despite them being best friends, Grandma Mahkent never allowed them to have the bedroom door closed, even though nothing would ever happen between them. Molly and Cameron were too much like siblings for that to ever happen. When they turned around, they saw Jordan Mahkent, Cameron's dad, walking into his bedroom. With his dark brown hair and brown eyes, Cameron looked nothing like his father, who had short, slicked back blond hair and piercing blue eyes. They often reminded Molly of ice. She'd never seen eyes like Mr. Mahkent's. Cameron looked more like his mother, whom Molly had only seen in pictures around their house. Sadly, his mother passed away from cancer when Cameron was young. Molly never got to meet her, but Cameron didn't really talk about her that much. She didn't push it because she understood what it was like.

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