Night Three

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    It’s already night three? Wow, I must be really good at this game, unless this wasn’t one. Eh, who cares, this is quite fun for me, running around for no reason is always fun.

    Wait, now I’m back in this hallway with the plush, great. Of course I’m really good at this that I could win this super easily. I flash the light once and the plush moves, flash it again and the plush is sitting behind the x. Once more I flash the light and the plush lands on the x, yay two more hours of sleep.

    Once the child had won the game, I ran off to Nightmarionne’s room to start the sleep until two hours had gone by with him. When I got there, he had a small bed made for me on the floor as he was sleeping in his own.

    I tried to sleep but couldn’t so I just sat up awake until the clock striked 2am, that ment that Nightmarionne was getting up to start spying. Once he was up, I followed him to the hidden space behind the bed that the child couldn’t see at all.

    We sat there being bored because nothing was happening while the child kept stating he was the best at this and that everything was not scary. Wow, this child was lame and stupid to know that he was being hunted down to be killed.

    Then out of nowhere, a figure appeared in the closet while the child was at one of the doors. It then looked straight at us while the child got ready to turn and walk back to the bed.

    The figure had disappeared and I turned to look at Nightmarionne who was staring at the closet with wide eyes. He was frozen in place and started to shake because this time the figure was clearer and the eyes were Nightmare Thing’s eye types.

    “Nightmarionne, are you okay?” I whispered to him because even though we can’t be seen, we can be heard.

    “I-I don’t know…” He trailed off, meaning something was wrong and he didn’t like this one bit. I felt bad for knowing what was going to happen, but I promised that I wouldn’t tell anyone about this issue.

    Later on we both headed out to find the other nightmares. Nightmarionne was still shivering and still had wide eyes. That’s when I noticed him starting to tear up and weaken up.

    “How was tonight, anything new and exciting…” Nightmare Fredbear asked us as we approached.

    “E-everything is f-fine…” Nightmarionne responded, stuttering due to the fear that was seen in his eyes. He turned to look at me and just stared. I didn’t know what to do and just I responded by shaking my head yes.

    “Okay, I would like to know why Nightmarionne looks like an actual freak, like he’s seen a ghost. Oh wait, he is a ghost. Hahaha!” Fredbear started to laugh at his jokes and walked off while Nightmarionne ran off to his area.

    I followed him to see what he was going to do, but he turned and picked me up instead. He hugged me while he walked into his area, or room per say. He sat down and started to cry.

    “Why is this thing starting to look more like him?” He asked in a low and calm voice that sounded very sad, but also calming, “Why did it have to haunt me?”

    “I don’t know, and could you let me go? You’re squeezing me.” I said as I was gasping for breath, and at that moment he dropped me whole still crying softly, saying he was sorry. That was something no nightmare has ever done or said to anyone else, including to another nightmare.

    I left the room and thought about going to see Nightmare Thing, but it was very late and I decided to tell him tomorrow due to how late it was. He wouldn’t mind me being late, but I was wrong about that.

    I randomly woke up in a dark area with a figure above me. It looked like Nightmare Thing but it wasn’t, I turned and saw that he was standing at another area of the void waiting for me.

    I hopped up and quickly ran to him thinking that I was safe. I did turn to see the figure looking at me with a big, wide grin. It’s features were more noticeable as it had black marks on its face, most of its body was torn and revealing the endoskeleton, it’s tail was spiked, and it held a crown that was glowing different colors? Oh no, not good…

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