Night Five

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    The next morning came fast, the child was already playing the Fun with Plushtrap game, the two leaders stared at Nightmarionne as he walked to his area to start spying. Plushtrap went to the third nightmare leader once the game was finished.

    The child never slept because the fear he had was greater as he knew that the entity was around now, and it won’t ever leave him alone. Nightmarionne and Plushtrap both are hidden, but feel the presence of the creature too.

    I decided to not sleep two hours at all, that entity was still there. It didn’t leave the past night like I hoped it would, the nightmares are not that scary, but this entity was creepier than a nightmare.

    I stayed in bed, but didn't sleep. If that entity creature came again, I didn’t want it attacking while I was asleep. The nightmares would also be the issue of having my back turned to the room.

    Once the hunt started, I acted like I wasn’t afraid of the nightmares, but also tried to hide my fear from the entity. It was not the same since I knew that this was going to be an ongoing thing, but as the clock struck 4am again, that entity was now gone.

    There was no feeling of that entity being around in the area, that ment that it left the area. The question is, for how long will it be gone for, will it return with aggression to kill me.

    The Fredbear was more active, but I was feeling better about that entity. I started to blurt out things like before, how the nightmares weren’t that scary and all that. I thankfully made it through the night, but before I faded off the alarm, I saw and felt that entity in the corner of my eyes.

    I was sitting with Nightmarionne, who wasn’t functioning very well. He would try to stay awake, but couldn’t manage to watch the child, and that was starting to grow worse.

    Once the child faded off, both me and Nightmarionne saw the creature return from the time it was not there. We both walked out of the hidden area and into the meeting room, that was when Nightmare started to talk to all of us. Nightmarionne, though, wasn’t paying any attention to what was being said, and looked blankly at them all.

    “That’s it, if he can’t focus, then what’s the point anymore.” Nightmare looked at me, then back at the third nightmare leader, “tomorrow, I will make him function as a nightmare. He will have no freedom at all.”

    I knew this was going to be bad, so I ran off to my area to go to the dark area of my mind. I didn’t notice that Nightmarionne was following me, but I didn’t know that he wanted to question me too.

    We walked into my room and locked the door, to make sure nothing happened during the time. The leader looked at me with a look of worry, he also seemed upset by what was going to happen to him.

    “I want to know this, and please respond to me. Is Nightmare Thing still alive, and if so, can I see him?” the nightmare looked at me, he really wanted me to answer that? How can I, I made a promise.

    “I don’t know if he is or not, and if he was, he probably doesn’t want to see anyone at all.” Nightmarionne looked away, then he started to murmur what sounded like apologies.

    “I want to tell him that we need him, I do miss him, he was what kept us all happy. Even if he was abused, I never wanted to hurt him after the plan we had.” I was about to respond, but I was teleported to the dark part.

    Once my conscience was regained, I looked around and saw that Nightmare Thing must have heard the conversation between me and the Halloween leader were having. I noticed that Nightmarionne was also teleported to the same place too, he seemed confused on why he was there for.

    “W-w-where am I!” He frantically looked around the area, I then noticed that Nightmare Thing was standing behind him. Once Nightmarionne looked behind him, he screamed while jumping behind me.

    “It’s okay Nightmarionne, it’s only me. You are here to help me and your friends, if you want to consider them that. I know that they are going to manipulate and control your mind.” The leader looked shocked by the sight and the info he had heard from the nightmare.

    “How’d you know?” Nightmarionne calmed down a little more, the nightmares looked at each other, they knew what was going to happen, but what the leader wasn’t expecting really surprised him.

    “That creature you see was trying to get revenge on you guys, if you don’t want it to kill you, join me and we can keep you safe. Also, that creature was the one that throw one of my weapons at you.” Nightmarionne and Nightmare Thing looked at each other for the longest time.

    Nightmarionne hesitated, then he looked at the nightmare and nodded. “I will help you both, if you can keep me from getting controlled by the others.” Both the nightmares nodded to each other.

    Our plan was Nightmare Thing would go to Nightmarionne’s mind and take a safer control. He would let Nightmarionne’s mind relax and rest, while Nightmare Thing’s mind would be the one in control, making it easier to not get caught.

     The plan went into effect that night, they had to test it, and once it worked out well, they stuck to the plan. Nightmarionne, and Nightmare Thing in the body of the leader, was checked to see if he rested at all. Thankfully, Nightmare Thing managed to make it so he was hidden from resting at all.

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