The Volcano Prince

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Fire bubbles throughout the mountainous kingdom. People were celebrating, as the new Prince of the Volcano Kingdom was born a few days prior, on May 1st.

Inside the castle sat the King and Queen with their new-born son. Queen Lesley smiled at her husband and son, placing a kiss on both of their cheeks. Their son had fox ears and a fox tail, which he had gotten from his mother. He had brown hair, with small amounts of blonde throughout, one brown eye and one blue eye.

"What should we name him?" King Ryan asks.

Lesley thought for a second. "How about Callum? After my late cousin?" she asks.

Ryan paused, "I don't know Les, it's really simple" he says.

Lesley narrows her eyes, "Need I remind you that your name is Ryan?" she says.

Ryan goes to say something, but pauses, "Fair point" he says, sitting down.

"So, Callum Knight?" King Ryan asks.

Lesley nods, "It's perfect" she says.

The two of them spend the next few hours before the coronation getting to know their new son, even giving him a gift, a stuffed toy fox.

As they walk outside, they hear the lava bubbling from a volcano near them. It had erupted just 2 weeks ago and destroyed the fishing port down below it. Thankfully the workers were able to build it from scratch.

They reach the stage where people from the Volcano Kingdom were waiting to meet their future King. They sat down on their thrones and said their speeches, waiting for the moment where Callum would get his crown.

When that moment came, everybody cheered as the crown was placed down on his head.

-------------- (5 years old) ----------------

Young Prince Callum looked down into one of the Volcanos that was forced to go extinct. It would erupt almost every week and destroy everything in the lava's path, making building almost impossible around it. Thankfully, 150 years ago, the kingdom had very powerful magic users that were able to force the Volcano to go extinct. The magic users are no longer alive, but they left behind their children and grandchildren, who were just as powerful as their elders.

Callum smiles and looks back at his mother who was with him. "Mum, come look!" he says.

Queen Lesley walks over and looks down into the deep hole. Thankfully there was a barrier around it, so nobody would fall in accidently.

"It's so deep!" Callum speaks, throwing his arms into the air, flicking his tail back and forth. Lesley chuckles, "That it is" she says, picking him up into her arms. "Come on now, it's time for dinner" she says before beginning to walk down the pathway and towards the castle that sat close by.

----------------- (7 years old) -----------------

Callum swings his sword down on the stuffed model that he could practice his swordsmanship on. Obviously, it wasn't a real sword, it was just a toy one, so it couldn't harm anybody, at least not to any extreme extent. King Ryan grins at the sight of his son practicing.

"Are you enjoying yourself over there, son?" he asks.

Callum nods happily, "Yes!" he says, swinging the sword down again.

Ryan chuckles, tapping lightly at his son's crown that sat in his lap. Callum had taken it off so that it wouldn't fall while he was running around, throwing his weapon around too.

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