Part 4

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IN the morning gumball woke up to see a boy poking him. He was say,8-10 years old. Gumball screamed and moved back. "What?" the boy asked himself. "I must be seeing things,he answered to himself and he rubbed his eyes. "Oh no,Am i being poisoned,MOM HELP! I NEED SOME ALLERGY PILLS!" Gumball questioned what was going on. "Uh, who are you?" asked gumball. "Hi,i am troy,I am a 9 year old boy who loves to watch tawog! And,You seem to be gumball!" "How do you know my name?" asked gumball to troy. Darwin suddenly woke up.

Darwin screamed. "It's okay darwin,this kid might be trustable."Gumball remarked to darwin. "So,um,how do you know my name?"Asked gumball to troy. Troy answered,"Oh,I thought you noticed. TAWOG,Stands for,The,Amazing,World,Of ,Gumball!" Darwin snarled at gumball,Gumball gave back a little chuckle.

"Why not we take you two inside, Let's wash you off,and then,i will explain the tv show.",Troy took them inside from there.

Tawog-The continuationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora