Part 17

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The airport was big. Like so big it made their jaws drop open. "Welcome to the airport everyone..." Ben bocquelet said to all of them. Echoing calls went throughout the airport. They scanned each ticket slowly to make sure they were scanned. The airport guards were informed by ben bocquelet's guards about the unusual fellows,And the guard announced "Not to stare" on the intercom. But they doubted anyone heard it. " Look at all the stores!" Troy told everyone. Just after he said that,gumball went straight to a dunkin donuts nearby. "Hmm...Weird. The donut seller is a human... But,It's fine! I cannot wait to buy a donut!" exclaimed gumball. "HelllOOOooooo----" The donut barista's jaw dropped when she saw gumball at the customer desk. "May i have a triple chocolate frosted donut,covered in gummy bears with sprinkles."Asked gumball. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,Heh." The donut barista chuckled as she Used chocolate frosting to frost 3 donuts together,took her leftover gummi bears and put them on the triple donut. Then,she got the sprinkles and put them on the top. "Thank you ms.barista!" Gumball said as he Took his donut and zoomed over to troy,who was buying some souvenirs at a store. "Oh,hi gumball. I was just looking at buying this england flag shirt for when i go back to america. What did you get gumball?"troy asked gumball. "I bought this triple-donut with gummi bears and sprinkles." answered gumball.  "Aw man,i'm jealous of That." answered troy. "They both laughed until the intercom said "Flight, A2b American airlines to Oakland (OAK) airport. And then,they boarded first class...

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