Part 15

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Gumball was sitting at the desk in the animator room,learning how to animate himself. 

Suddenly,Ben bocquelet burst through the door. "We found the third trio! Bobert,Tobias,and a boy named alex! Get ready,It's airplane time!" Gumball stood up and grinned. "Bring me darwin and troy,We gotta get packed up,and we need to talk a bit."  Once darwin and troy were in the room,Gumball Put on a fancy tuxedo. "Talk about a tuxedo cat,"whispered troy and Darwin and troy snickered. " So, Once we have,at least 20 trio's (That gives us 40 Elmore citizens) I will do a speech. I alrealdy wrote down a script,and ben bocquelet Is fine with it." Gumball explained.

"Can we see it?" Asked darwin. Gumball handed darwin and troy a paper,reading,"Hello everyone,i know all of you elmore citizens are scared,and thank you to all of the nice people who delivered these citizen's back to us. We will start a new life here in vallejo,And we will go to school and fit in with the children in san francisco,I am sure we will find some new friends at our new school,and workplaces. This speech is dedicated to the beauty of my life,penny." 

"Aw man you just had to add penny." answered troy. "Yeah,I mean She is my girlfriend,And one day,we will live happily together,in this real world. (If i never get back to elmore). I mean isn't that how every boyfriend feels?" asked gumball. "Well,i never really had a girlfriend,but that emily girl looks cute." answered troy. "Dude,You have a crush on her,But I heard we are in first class on our way to california,Maybe that's your chance to go on a date." exclaimed darwin. "Good idea!" Exclaimed troy. "Okay,gumball,You should change into your regular clothes,you don't want your tuxedo ruined for the speech!" Exclaimed darwin. Gumball changed in his changing closet,And Neatly put his tuxedo in the suitcase. Then they were escorted to the airport by Ben bocquelet's guards.

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