Part 8

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Darwin shook troy up and he woke up to see gumball and darwin standing on the floor,waiting for him. Gumball exclaimed,"Today is the day,troy,We are sneaking into the luggage!" "Okay guys pack everything you might need,we might have to live out on the streets in england until we can find ben bocquelet. I will be packing my laptop,charging bank,and charger. A 25 in one snack bag,and my sleeping bag. What are you packing gumball?" asked troy. "I will be packing our plan,some applesause,and a bowl for darwin. Darwin what are you packing?" asked gumball.

"I will be packing a lot of water,like 80 bottles,because we cannot survive without water." answered darwin. "Good thinking!" exclaimed troy,and they Went to the store to buy Small living spaces like tents,To live in once they are in the belly of the plane. They all bought these cheap-o pop up tents. They went back home and snuck behind troy's mom,to avoid getting caught. They found suitcases to hide in.  A few minutes after they got in,They felt a rumbling and Troy's mom saying,"I do not remember packing this much,but it is okay,i will still go on the plane with them." An hour passed full of bumping and tossing,until they finally Heard the jet engines whirring. They stayed in they're luggage until the acceleration was gone,and it was safe to leave the luggage. 

Tawog-The continuationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن