Part 19

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Troy decided to give gumball his laptop,because he did not get to use it yet. This was when gumball started seeing some shifty things. He went on devientart,and wattpad and saw stuff,he did not want to see. "What the what? Gummny? That is me and penny's PERSONAL LIFE! WHAT? THIS BOOK HAS ME SAYING THE A-WORD? WHAT IS WITH THESE PEOPLE! Gumball x reader!!!??? WANT TO DATE ME? No... i will not allow this... I AM GOING TO SUE THESE PEOPLE!" Gumball was very mad with the fan media he was seeing. Troy slapped his head in failure. Tobias snatched troy's computer from gumball and played hard music really loud. "Hey,Um tobias! I like your taste of music,but could you turn it down!!!???" Troy was yelling,but he doubted anyone heard him. Bobert problobly had his mic off,he didn't have to listen to the music. He asked for some earplugs to a service lady,and the earplugs were all his. But,he just wanted to land.

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