Part 9

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Troy,gumball and darwin set up They're tents but,they couldn't find darwin anywhere,or his tent. But then they heard a crying noise from the corner. "I will take this" Said gumball to troy,and gumball walked over to darwin. "Hey buddy,what's wrong?" asked gumball. "WHAT IF WE NEVER GET BACK TO ELMORE? WHAT IF BEN BOCQUELET CAN'T HELP US!!!??? WHAT IF WE NEVER SEE OUR FAMILY AGAIN!? WHAT IF I NEVER SEE CARRIE AGAIN!"  "I know darwin,i felt the same way when i got here,but,you were here to comfort me. See if we do never see our family again,At least we have each other,We can live with troy,and eventually,we will problobly see another friend again." Darwin stopped crying and both of them hugged. "Now come on over here darwin,we have some stuff to plan once we get to england." Exclaimed gumball,and darwin wiped his tears and smiled.

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