Part 18

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When they were walking through the gate everyone stared. Despite on the intercom saying not to stare,and their name tags. Until they walked in front of 3 fangirls. "Oh gosh,who are these people?" asked gumball in a bored voice. "Stay away. They're fangirls. And they will scream until they can kiss and hug you for like 450897 hours. So stay away,And if they will not...Idk you are dead." answered troy. And just like That,The three fangirls started hugging gumball. In the middle of the boarding gate. People behind them started shouting to move Forward,but,the fangirls wouldn't budge. Then Gumball did something amazing. Despite his giant head,He slid out perfectly of their arms,Slid across the floor and right next to darwin and troy. The guards called the airport police and took The fangirls to the airport manager desk for a good talking to. Then,Gumball,Darwin,Troy,And the others boarded the plane in First class. Once they were in the seats,Tobias was already breaking the rules. He had his feet,on the neat table Sitting back,But everyone else was quite cool. Bobert was sitting alone,With his battery back he was charging wit,And Gumball was at His table with penny,Troy with emily,and darwin with carrie,and as you,know,tobias disobeying everyone. After the acceleration stopped,A nice Server served everyone's food,And gumball was flurting penny-As usual. But then,Troy and emily's first date,Was really awkward at first. A nice Gourmet chicken was served to troy and emily,as their first conversation started. "How did you feel when you found penny and carrie at your house?" Troy asked. Emily answered,"First i was freaked out,but then,i had some empathy for those two,and we became friends to the end." "Nice,I Thought i was being poisoned,but i got over it,And i gave them a shower." "Haha!" Emily exclaimed as they continued their first date.

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