Part 11

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After they landed another 6 hours passed. Troy checked his laptop to see it was 8:00. "Okay everybody,coast is clear!" They got out of the suitcases And found the keycard to get out and lock the door. They rolled their suitcases through the halls and gumball and darwin ducked when they passed a person. once they were out they sighed. "So where to now?" asked gumball.

"Okay let me see,oh no." "What?" asked darwin. "Studio soi is in germany,so,i guess,it is off to cartoon network uk we go." "Great!" said gumball. "But guys,we need to find a shelter" said darwin. "Okay,hmm,I found one! It is completely free and it is very preatty,It is called shelter from the storm!,It looks preatty cool." "Perfect! We will go there for the night." Gumball exclaimed. And then they navigated there,and stayed there for the night.

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