Triplets [part 5]

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I wake up feeling really sweaty and warm, but cozy enough I don't want to move. A whine leaves my lips and I nuzzle into a bare chest. I want to be closer to them, but I also want to push away and take off all my clothes.

"Fuck, she's adorable," someone says above me.

I whine once more and squirm, kicking my legs.

"I think she's warm," another voice says and cold air rushes around me.

Sighing happily, I snuggle more into the person holding me, pushing my leg between theirs. They hum, their chest vibrating as they pull me closer.

"Where's mum?" The first voice asks.

I need more cuddles, I just want someone to squeeze me. A choked sob leaves my lips and I squeeze my eyes shut, pushing my body into his.

"So needy," someone mumbles above me, their voice is rough from sleep. They pull me closer and move their leg up on my waist, tightening their arm around me. I hum happily, and relax back into the bed and they chuckle.

"She left," the second voice answers. "Said she'd be back in the afternoon. The lads want to come over."

"No," the first voice says, sounding angry. "I had to chase them out last night."

"Relax Edward," I finally recognize the voice as James.

I want to go to sleep! Why are they here? I'm so tired and cozy, I slept so good. I never sleep good, I always toss and turn. Whining loudly, I try and push myself farther into Harry.

"Baby girl," his voice is husky and sends tingles through my body. "What are you doing?"

I whine/sob, tightening my arm around him and he holds me tighter. Sighing, I nuzzle my nose into his chest, brushing my lips against his skin. He hums and rolls onto me more, rolling me fully onto my back.

"You're so needy and squirmy in the morning," he says in my ear, his voice tingling my hip. Its then I feel how hard he is, the thick member pressing against my hip.

What is going on with me? All my feelings are back, and I whine loudly, wiggling my bum down on the bed. He hums in my ear again, like he knows what I'm feeling and the bed dips down.

I squeeze my eyes tight, and try my hardest to bury my face in Harry as someone lays down on the other side of me. Jesus, these boys will be the death of me.

"Why are you so squirmy baby girl?" Edward asks in my other ear and my heart pounds even harder. Fingers start tickling my bare tummy and I hum, relaxing a little.

Its then I realize if my shirt is up, they can see my underpants, which makes me feel even more wiggly. Blushing, I try to roll and hide away in Harry's chest, but a hand grips my hip firmly.

My hip is extremely sensitive at the moment and I squirm even more, humming/moaning loudly. Harry makes a similar noise in my ear when I squirm and I realize I'm pushing myself into his still hard member and it twitches.

Oh God. I'm so flushed. I don't know if I can take this. Taking a deep breath, I peek one eye open and see James laying on his belly lower on the bed, his head in one hand and his other tickling my tummy. There is a body laying next to him and that hand is gripping my hip to hold me still.

I slowly turn my head to follow the hand with my eyes, stopping when I see Edward looking at me with a smirk. "Good morning gorgeous."

"Is it me or are you always this twirly in the mornings?" Harry asks in my ear and I lose it.

Another whine emits from me loudly and Edward circles his thumb where my hip bone is most prominent. Harry pulls his arm up and cradles the side of my head in his hand. James moves his fingers higher up on my stomach and so close to my chest that I gasp.

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