Princess [part 2]

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Princess part 1 is in my first book of Harry Styles Imagines.


"Tomorrow's the big day," my mother mumbles, looking at me with a smile through the reflection of the full length mirror. "How do you feel?"

"Ready for it to be over," I grumble as the seamstress tugs on the dress one more time, pulling me down slightly. I was supposed to have my last fitting yesterday, but they wanted to make a few changes to the dress.

"Oh darling, this is one of the most important moments of your life," she says, stepping forward and running her hands down my arms.

"I know mum," I sigh, smiling at my reflection. "I love Harry and I can't wait to spend my life with him."

"He'll make a great prince," she smiles softly. "A strong role model on your side while you lead our country like the Queen you were born to be."

"Mother, that's a long ways away," I say with a soft smile, just picturing it. "But yes. He's a charming man."

"Oh darling I'm so happy for you," she moves so she is in front of me and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you mum," I hug her back. She pulls away and gives me a watery eyed smile.

"Alright, take this off so it doesn't get ruined," she orders and the seamstress starts undressing me.

Once I'm out of the wedding dress, it hanged up delicately on the wardrobe, and changed back into my black sundress, a knock sounds on the door. The butler walks in properly and waits for the Queen's signal to speak.

"Lord Stephan has requested her majesty Princess Y/N's presence for lunch on the terrace," he announces.

"Thank you Gladstone," the Queen nods. "She'll be right down."

The butler nods and excuses himself, backing out of the room. My mother turns to me with a soft smile and sighs again while playing with my hair.

"I love you Y/N," she says softly. "Now run along. Wash up before you meet your father."

I nod and exit the room, making my way to the powder room. Once I'm washed up, I wander through the castle to the terrace. Dad is already sitting out there, reading a paper.

"Papa," I announce myself and kiss his cheek as he stands before sitting down across from him.

"How are you today my sweet?" He sits back down and smiles as the staff bring out coffee and biscuits. "Nervous yet?"

"No, I'm very excited," I answer, taking a sip of my coffee. "Are you nervous?"

"Of course I am!" He says loudly, playing into my tease. "You're still my baby even though you're all grown up and getting married."

"I'll always be you're baby papa," I smile up at him.

"I know darling. I'm very happy for you, Harry is an excellent young man," he smiles back. "Did I ever tell you the story of when you two first met?"

"No," I lean forward eagerly. "Please tell me."

"It was at your awakening ceremony, Harry was 2 years almost 3. When we found out you were a girl, his parents presented the agreement of your betrothal. We waited until you were born to decide, as there were many other suitors that we were considering, so they all came to the ceremony to meet you. The Duke's family was first to meet you," he pauses, a smile dancing across his lips. "I remember Anne, Harry's mother, held him up over the bassinet so he could see you. He cocked his head at you and reached down, touching your cheek with one finger. She pulled him away and he started protesting, whining loudly and reaching out for you.

Harry Styles Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now