Princess [part 3]

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I wake up early the next morning, excitedly shaking Gemma awake as she's sleeping in my bed.

"I know you're getting married, but I will punch you," she grumbles, making me laugh.

I get up instead of wake her, and pull on my robe that matches my nightgown before running out the door and down the hall to find my mother. Servants shout at me as I run, but I dont care as I dash past Albert into the dining room to grab a snack and see father.

"Daddy!" I shout as I enter, expecting him to answer.

"Y/N?" I hear a shocked voice and look up to see Louis, Zayn and Niall sitting at the table.

"What are you three doing here?" I ask, before pulling my robe tighter shut. "Avert your eyes! I'm looking for my father."

"Dunno where he is," Louis says, not looking away from me. Niall is the only one that actually turns his head away and Albert rushes in with a blanket, pulling it around me tight so I'm no longer exposed.

"Please go to your room Princess," Walter says after he steps into the room. "Harry will be down soon."

"Can't do that Walter," I sigh, holding the blanket around me and walking to the other end of the table where the boys are sitting to grab a pastry. "I'm too excited to go back to bed and Gemma said she would punch me if I woke her up. I need to find mother, or Anna would suffice as well."

"Please just exit the dining room Princess," he grabs my arm and pulls me to the door. "This is highly inappropriate."

"I didn't know they were in here," I mumble, not looking at them and letting Walter drag me out of the room.

"When have you ever been allowed to run around the castle in your nightgown princess?" he asks, turning and pulling the blanket closer around me.

"I've never been allowed to, but that hasn't stopped me," I counter, shoving the pastry in my mouth. Looking past him, I see Harry coming down the hall and duck into the doorway of the dining room. I peak inside and see Zayn and Louis still looking at me curiously.

"Morning lads," Harry says cheerfully, and I glance in, smiling softly when I see him.

"Y/N just ran through here in her nightgown," Louis tells him loudly, smirking as his eyes meet mine.

"What?" Harry shouts. As much as I want to look at him, I don't reveal myself. "Where is she? In her nightgown?"

"Y/N," Walter whisper shouts, grabbing my arm and pulling me away and toward the stairs.

"Fine," I grumble, running up the stairs and away from him, the blanket falling off my shoulders and onto the floor as I make my way to my mothers chamber.

I knock on the door and wait for Laura, mother's hand maid, to answer. She does and gasps when she sees me, pulling me into the room with a tug on my arm and looking around the hall before closing the door.

"Y/N," mother shouts before chuckling and shaking her head at me. I run to her bed and dive in next to her, giggling as she pulls me to her side for a cuddle.

"I cant sleep any longer, I'm too excited," I tell her.

"Yes, but you can't run around in your nightgown," she chuckles. "What if people had seen you?"

"They did," I say softly, pulling the covers up more to protect myself. "Zayn, Louis and Niall did, but Harry didn't. And Walter and Albert scolded me."

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