Familiar Stranger [part 2]

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I slowly come to consciousness and lean forward to kiss Y/N but nobody's there. My brow furrows with my eyes still closed and I reach to grab her but am met again with an empty bed. My lips pout and I wallow in self pity for a minute, wondering if yesterday was all a dream, then I hear her voice.

"I already told you that I am on holiday," her voice is loud but soft and I can hear things being moved in the kitchen of the suite. "I'm not going to come back so the producer can create a trailer. He said I didn't have to be there until next week. If he wanted it beforehand, he should have set a date."

I rub my fists over my eyes, then sit up and look around. Niall's bed is empty and there's a steaming mug of tea on the bedside table next to me.

"Yes," Y/N's voice sounds again from the kitchen. "If you want to email the trailer to me, we can Skype and work on it together- here you go baby -but I'm not coming back."

I grab the tea and take a sip before standing and shuffling into the kitchen. They are both still in their pajamas, Niall is sitting at the table stuffing a crepe in his mouth and Y/N is at the stove talking on a Bluetooth in her ear.

"Darling would you like some more?" Y/N asks and Niall makes a noise of approval before Y/N almost yells into the phone. "I wasn't talking to you. I told you I'm on holiday. Just email me the damn video and I'll Skype you in twenty. And you can tell Michael that I am not pleased."

With that she presses the button on the Bluetooth and starts grumbling. "Can you believe that wank? Producers are all idiots who can't ever make up their minds. Stupid producers and stupid James calling to boss me around like the little twink he is. If Michael's dick wasn't so far up his ass, maybe he could see what an insufferable-"

Niall's giggles stop her sentence and she turns and looks at him with a grin before placing another decorated crepe on his plate. Then she turns toward me with a smile.

"Good morning dear. I see you found your tea, are you hungry?"

"Yes please," I mumble, my voice gravely from sleep. "Thank you."

Y/N turns away with a smirk and goes back to the stove. "Niall actually made your tea love. How did you sleep?"

"Fairly well," I nod, taking a seat in front of a half naked Niall who is stuffing his face. "I missed you this morning though."

"I'm sorry babe," she glances back at me with a pout then turns back to her hot pan. "Poor Ni had a bad dream, and I woke up in the middle of the night to the poor tyke trying to squeeze his way between us."

I look up at Niall who is pouting at his food but I can tell he loves the attention he is getting from her. I'm sure if she mother's all the lads like this, I'll never get her to myself, they'll fall head over heels.

"So I let him in and he fell asleep in a snap, the cute little guy," she walks over and ruffles his hair, sending me a wink. "You just needed some love, yeah?"

Niall nods, looking up at her with a pout. She ruffles his hair again and presses a kiss to his forehead before going back.

"Anyway, he woke up early not feeling well, and it was the time the baby started kicking my bladder, so I got up and made him breakfast," Y/N continues, moving from the stove to the counter next to it. "Then freaking work called and made me angry. Don't worry about that though."

She walks toward me and sets a plate in front of me with a crepe covered in strawberries and bananas and powder sugar. My mouth waters and I instantly dig in, blushing slightly when her hand runs through my hair and she kisses the top of my head.

"Niall do you want some more?" I look up and see him shake his head no. She takes the plate and runs her hand through his hair sweetly. "Alright go take a shower baby."

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