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I had some trouble with this one but I did it! - Author chan

* Toga's POV*

I woke up and forgot I was still outside. Shiggy was next to me alsleep as well. I wasn't really sure if I should leave him here so I decided to wake him up.

" Shiggy, wake up."

I shake him gently, he woke up after a few seconds.

" Mmm, what time is it?"

I took out my phone,

" 3: 21"

" We should get the plan set up, you know what to do."

" What about you?"

" Just let me know when you're done ok? I'll be in my room."

" Ok!"

I went inside to find Kurogiri washing cups or whatever.

" Mamagiri! "

" Yes?"

" Do you know where Dabi Kun is? "

" He's in his room sleeping. Why, what do you need him for?"

" Oh, well I was just going to talk to him, but I guess I'll give him a break."

" Toga are you ok? I've noticed you've stop crying."

" Uh, yeah I'm fine, just still a little mad."

" Ok, have you seen Shigaraki?"

" Oh, he's outside, he said he'll come back in, in a mintue."

" Oh, ok."

" See ya, Mamaigiri."

I went to Dabi's room and thank god it was unlocked because if not I don't know what I would do.

I slowing opening the door, he's alseep that's good. I see his phone on a desk right next to his bed. I tried my best to keep quiet, which was mostly true.

As soon as I got the phone, he started to move. I quickly ran out and shut the door fast but slow enough it won't make a lot of noise. I went to Shigaraki's room, I knocked on the door,

" Come in",

I just went in and jumped on the bed.

" Can you ever come in and try not to break anything?"

" Nope."

" Well did you get his phone?"

" Yep!"

" Well let's text him. "

--After the plan was set--

" Let's go."

" Alright, well we have to be quiet because I didn't tell Kurogiri."

" I thought you did, aren't you guys like what, best friends."

" If I did tell him wat we're doing, he would've either told us not to, or tell Dabi or something else since everyone is confused about him."

" Oh I see, do you know how to get out?"

" We can get out through my window."

" Ok, will anyone know we're gone?"

" Toga, stop asking questions, we're going to be fine, we've delt with more dangerous things than this, you alway are like this before something dangerous we're about to do. If someone finds out we're gone, no one will know where we are, if they find were we are they'll be too late."

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