Chapter 10 - Proposal and Escape

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The sun rose over Berk, a thick layer of fog hiding the once-great city from the light.

The fog didn't hide everything, the outer wall was crumbling, buildings we're still on fire from the last raid.

The people were worse, they barely had enough food to survive a day, the city was in a desperate need of hope.

Gobber looked out his quarter's window and sighed, Alvin was ordering another raid on the city.

He left the safety of his quarters and headed to the Queens Library, hoping to find Valka.

A now twenty-year-old Lady Astrid Helena Hofferson stood watching the whole thing.

She, the Queen, and her mother lived in the palace, by order of the King and for the fact that they no longer had a house.

" Astrid come sit with us." Astrid nodded as she walked over to sit next to the Queen.

Gobber quietly opened the door and walked in smiling, hoping to cheer the mood up.

" Gobber, it's good to see you." Valka got up and hugged her husband's life long friend.

" Sorry I couldn't come sooner, things are getting rather bad around here." Valka nodded and gestured for the man to sit.

" The morning report Gobber?" Ingrid asked, she was sitting near the fire enjoying a cup of tea.

" Right, your highness Berk is in dominant danger, the Outcasts are starting another raid." Valka nodded, she didn't want to admit it, but Berk was in grave danger.

" Hey, yer not supposed to be in here." An Outcast guard barged into the room and ordered Gobber out.

" Fine I'm going, hold yer horses." Gobber waddled out of the room, Astrid knew she should do something.

Her mother, however, had other ideas and kept her hand on Astrid's knee.

As Gobber left, Spitelout walked past the door, scowling in at the woman, Astrid balled her fists.

" We have to do something, Valka, we have to fight." Astrid got up and paced in front of the woman.

" Astrid, Spitelout is the King." Valka answered, she knew her brother wasn't doing his duties right.

" You are our Queen, we should leave before it's too late." Astrid told them, her mother gasped.

" Astrid, we must all stay together and protect what we have left of Berk." Valka placed her hands on Astrid's shoulders.

" This is our home, we will never abandon it." Astrid pulled away from Valka and sighed.

" This isn't the home I remember." Valka sighed and stood next to Astrid.

" Help will come, Astrid, be patient." They both looked out the window, if help didn't come soon, Berk would never be the same.

" Lady Astrid, my Queen." The woman turned to see Spitelout's assistant, Stelpa, at the door.

" The King wishes to see you." She opened the door further, Astrid and Valka followed the assistant.

The Queen and lady we're lead into the main dining room, Spitelout was sitting at the far end eating a feast.

Snotlout was sitting to his right, slowly chewing his food and looking rather unsatisfied.

" Won't you join me, ladies, there's plenty to go around." Spitelout gestured to the remaining seats.

" Spitelout you overtaxing the city, no one has enough money for food." Valka raised her voice slightly, Spitelout continued eating.

" I've simply perfected the hierarchy, with the help of my army." Spitelout gestures out the huge windows to the left.

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