Chapter 9 - Engar áhyggjur

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" Engar áhyggjur, what a wonderful phrase." Dagur sang, his mother shaking her head.

" Engar áhyggjur, it ain't no passing craze!" Eret answered, as Dagur and Heather hobbled Hiccup out of the tent.

As they exited the tent, Hiccup gasped and looked around the rest of the camp.

There were dragons of all type and kind, either laying down or following a person.

" It means no worries for the rest of your days!" Dagur and Heather sang, pushing Hiccup towards the centre of the camp.

" It's our problem-free, philosophy, engar áhyggjur!" Heather and Dagur sat Hiccup down on a seat near the central fire pit.

" Engar áhyggjur?" Hiccup asked, as Eret walked over with some rope and a wooden stump.

" It's our motto." Dagur announced, Heather rolled her eyes as the boy puffed his chest out.

" What's a motto?" Hiccup questioned, Eret finished what he was doing and stood back.

" Nothing, what's the motto with you?" Dagur laughed his head off and the other two rolled their eyes.

" There you go, now you can walk." Hiccup slowly got to his feet and tested the foot out.

" So, engar áhyggjur?" Hiccup asked again, Heather placed a hand on his shoulder.

" Those two words will solve all your problems." Heather exclaimed, smiling at her new friend.

" Yeah, take Eret here, why, when he was a young boy." Dagur sang, holding his hands out.

" When I was a young boy!" Eret stood on a seat and sang, Hiccup stood back slightly.

" How you feeling?" Heather asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

" It's an emotional story." Eret answered, Hiccup snickered.

" He found his tattoos like a certain appeal, but others didn't see how great they made him feel." Dagur sang pointing at the tattoos on Eret's chin.

" I'm a sensitive soul and yet I seem thick-skinned." Eret hid his face, but Heather moved his hands out off the way.

" And it hurt that my friends never knew why I inked." Eret stood on a stump and held his hands out.

" Hey, we were always here for you and I resent that." Heather slapped him as Eret sang.

" Oh, the shame!" Eret jumped down and faced Hiccup.

" Yes, the shame." Dagur stood next to Hiccup and crossed his arms.

" I thought of changing my name." Eret grabbed Hiccup's shoulders and shook him.

" I mean to what, Brad?" Heather asked, pulling Eret of Hiccup.

" And I got downhearted, every time that I got called retarded." Dagur covered Hiccup's ears and the boy pushed his hands off.

" What, there are children around." Dagur pointed to his sister and Hiccup, who shook his head.

" Engar áhyggjur, what a wonderful phrase, engar áhyggjur it ain't no passing craze." The three of them pushed Hiccup towards the dragon corral.

" It means no worries for the rest of your days." Hiccup sang, finally understanding what they were trying to tell him.

" Yeah, sing it, kid." Eret said as they walked towards the corral.

" It's our problem-free, philosophy, engar áhyggjur." The three of them reached the corral and climbed up onto the fence.

Some of the men were trying to calm a Dragon as black night, with acid green eyes and half of a tail fin missing.

" They're trying to get a saddle on him again." Heather watched the guys chase the cranky dragon.

" What's with him?" Hiccup asked as the dragon ran past him and glanced up at him.

" No one knows, we found him trapped in a bola and dehydrated." Dagur said, just as the dragon knocked over one of the guys.

" Do you know why he was in the bola?" The others shook their head and continued to watch.

The dragon walked over to them, raised his head to Hiccup and sniffed the boy, Hiccup tensed up.

" Whoa, that's new, he's never done that before." Heather exclaimed grabbing Hiccup's hand and pulling him to the gate.

" Right, all you have to do is stand still and let him come to you." Heather pushed him into the corral and the dragon ran over to Hiccup.

Hiccup stood very still and the dragon just stood there watching him, a low growl in his throat.

Hiccup looked down and spotted his dagger still sitting in his belt, so he pulled it out.

The dragon growled, as Hiccup threw his dagger put of the corral and held his hand out.

The dragon slowly edged towards the boy, Hiccup looked away in anticipation and fear.

The dragon placed his snout on the boy's hand and Hiccup gasped, as he turned to see.

Hiccup ran his hand down the dragon's neck and scratched under his chin, the dragon opened his mouth.

Revealing a toothless gummy smile, Hiccup giggled as the dragon warbled in satisfaction.

" Looks like you've made a new friend." Heather exclaimed from the gate, Hiccup nodded.

" What you gonna call him?" Dagur asked, the dragon lightly shoved Hiccup and smiled.

" Toothless." Heather stifled a laugh and Dagur just snickered, Toothless swatted him on the head.

" Hey, engar áhyggjur." Toothless rolled his eyes and followed Hiccup out of the corral.

They headed back to the central fire pit, as many were starting congress there.

" Everyone, this is Hiccup." Everyone turned to see Hiccup sitting on top of Toothless.

" Wait, isn't that the Night Fury?" One of the boys asked, as they sat down.

" Yeah, have you thought about its description?" Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

" Yeah, I know, unholy offspring of lightning and death." Hiccup slid off Toothless and sat next to him.

" I'm telling you Hiccup this is the great life." Heather passed Hiccup a bowl of soup as the sky darkened.

" There's no rules, responsibilities, well what do you say?" Hiccup swallowed his soup and smiled.

" Why not, engar áhyggjur." Hiccup raised his hand as the camp cheered.

            ~ Time Skip Ten years ~

Eret, Dagur, Heather and Hiccup sat atop their dragons overlooking the camp.

Hiccup was dressed in armour made of Toothless' scales, a helmet sitting over his head of wild Auburn hair, and a rather advanced prosthetic on his left leg.

" Engar áhyggjur, engar áhyggjur, engar áhyggjur, engar áhyggjur!" Hiccup and the others ran down the hill with their dragons.

" It means no worries for the rest of your days." Hiccup sang, as Toothless bobbed to the rhythm.

" It's our problem-free philosophy, engar áhyggjur." All three laughed as they ran down the hill.

" Engar áhyggjur, engar áhyggjur, engar áhyggjur!" Hiccup continued singing and the others laughed.

" It means no worries for the rest of your days." Hiccup and Toothlesstoo off into the sky, flipping and looping.

" It's our problem-free, philosophy, engar áhyggjur." All four got on their dragons and took off into the sky singing all the way.

" Come on one more time?" Dagur groaned and shook his head.

" I think we got it, little bro." Dagur assured Hiccup, who shook his head.

" Yeah, we definitely got it." Heather nodded in agreement as the riders flew off into the sun.

Their worries left behind and an adventure ahead.

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