Chapter 11

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I awake to a burning pain in my left leg.
"Oi she's awake."
I crack an eye open to find myself face to face with the man in the alley. I blink open my other eye to see us surrounded by grunts. I'm propped up against a brick wall with my hands tied behind me and a gag in my mouth.
The man rips the gag out and opens his mouth to breathe his foul breath on me. "So you're with the port mafia huh."
He slaps me hard across the face. I leave my head to the side, cheek hardly stinging compared to the slaps I received from Akutagawa senpai. "You little bitch, I got a concussion from that hit." He spits. "Now tell us information to do with the port mafia."
I smile. "You'll never get anything out of me."
He snarls and grabs my collar,"watch your mouth, whether you live or die is up to me."
"Oh go ahead and kill me." I say. "But You'll never get any information no matter how much you torture me."
His face reddens and then a sneer lights his lips. "I'll use other ways then." He says before ripping my shirt open. I stare at the buttons falling to the ground and close my eyes.
This is my own fault, I will bever be good enough to get akutagawa senpais trust or appreciation. I will never be aknowledged by anyone. Ever. I can hear his slow wet breathing drawing closer and closer as I await my fate. Then they stop.
It's silent apart from someones angry breathing.
Slowly, I open my eyes to see..."Gin." I choke.
She wears her black cloak, hair unbound, without a mask, standing over the body of the man, looking thunderous, her knives dripping with blood. Her eyes are filled with such anger I've never seen before as she drives her knife in him again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.
She looks up at me, more like a feral beast than human. Her features soften slighty as she gets up from the man, and walks over to me.
She roughly starts to saw at the rope that binds my hands, her hands shaking, and takes the gagg out of my mouth. I double over, breathing the fresh air with a hint of blood and slump against the wall. Gin dumps her cloak on me and I mumble thanks as I put it around me.
The night is now silent.
"I'm sorry." Gin's voice breaks the silence. "I'm sorry I let them take you, I'm sorry I wasn't there with you, I'm sorry I didn't notice anything."
Gin's usually sweet and sensual voice is now breaking and filled with tears. She falls to her knees in front of me, sobs wracking her body.
"It's all my fault, if I had been there with you this never would have happened! You wouldn't be in this state! They wouldn't have tried to rape you or torture you. I'm the one to blame, I shouldn't have left you alone."
She wails.
"Gin" I say softly. "This wasn't your fault."
She looks up, hardly beleiving what I'm saying.
"Gin." I say again. "This wasn't your fault, it was their's. And partly mine, I shouldn't have let them take me."
"No." She shouts tears streaming down her face. "No one could fend off that attack! It's not your fault, it's not your fault, it's my fault, it's my.."
Her eyes widen as I stop her with a kiss. I pull back and put my hands on either side of her face and say," we are port mafia. Sometimes we are put through terrible things in the line of duty but the one thing we have is loyalty. And you came for me Gin. You came for me." Gin covers my hands with her own and hicoughs,"of course I came for you."
She leans in and kisses me back.
At first she's sweet and tentative but then she lights with passion and swings her legs over me, crushing her lips against mine. I wince in pain and Gin draws back to follow my line of sight and see's the bullet wound. "So they did this to you too." Her eyes go dark again. "Hey," I catch Gin's face in my hands."I'm over here."
She goes in to kiss me again but hesitates and says,"is it really alright for me to kiss you after what they just tried to do to you...."
I slide my fingers behind her ears and pull her head forwards so our foreheads touch. "Only you. No one else." I whisper. Her eyes shine with tears as she kisses me again, this time deeply and holds the kiss. I slide my fingers into her hair as her tears wet my face.
We stay like this for a long time.

Conditions--GinxHiguchiWhere stories live. Discover now