Chapter 16

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Finally, the day of the operation had come.
I fidgeted around in the lobby of the hotel waiting for my room key. When it finally came, my knees had turned to jelly.
As I lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling, Gin silently but efficiently began drilling a hole in the ground which would connect to Ryo's room. Then we idled around on the bed until the promised time had come.
Gin, in her trademark black cloak, approached the hole with caution.
"He should be sleeping now." She murmered. She crouched down, about to jump in when she stood back up, walked over to me and stroked my cheek. The puzzlement must have showed on my face because she chuckled then leant next to my ear and whispered," after this you're living at mine and we are going to see how many different expressions that cute little face of yours can make."
Before I could say anything, she ducked through the hole and into Ryo's room.
My knees unable to support me, I collapsed onto the bed, a puddled mess.
"Nngh... Go away."
"Morninggg, it's time to get up."
I felt something wet on my ear.
I bolted out of bed, glaring daggers at Gin who was chuckling under her breath.
"Why do you always have to do that!" I shouted, trying to get my raging heartbeat under control. I could not deal with this in the mornings.
"Hmmm." Gin thought. "Because it's fun?" She wore a devilish smile.
Rolling my eyes, I started to pull on my suit. "Considering your joyous mood I assume the operation went smoothly?"
"Uh huh." Gin nodded. "He didn't even wake."
Securing my gun in place, I looped my arm around Gin's and replied," let's go then."
6 months later
"Higuchi get up."
I felt something wet on my neck.
I scrambled out of bed and glared at Gin who was chuckling devilishly on the other side of the bed.
"Why do you always have to do that!?" I demanded. "Agh I should've never agreed to live with you. It makes taking a shower a right pain as well."
Gin slowly straightened up and walked over to me.
"Ahh you love me really~" she teased playing with my hair.
"Yes yes fine. Now get out so I can get changed." I huffed.
Gin pulls a shocked face. "What, why! I just saw you naked yesterday when we-"
"Just get out!" I sighed. "I'm hungry so make me breakfast."
Gin strolls over to the door. "Fine." She says like a sulky child, "but you're going to have to skip breakfast today."
"What!" I whined. "No fair."
"Hah!" Gin snorts. "You should've gone to sleep earlier!"
"Well I would have if you hadn't-" I stopped and blushed crimson as I remembered yesterdays events and hid my face in the blankets.
"Awww Higuchi is still embarrassed talking about it." Gin laughed as she went out the door, closing it behind her.
My everyday day wear didn't change. I pulled on a white shirt and black trousers and my blazer. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun as always and stared into the mirror.
It had been six months ago when I had first met Gin and six months ago when I had moved in with her after that first mission. I was happy if you put it in some other context.
Yoko had apologized profusely and I had decided to forgive her. Everyday Gin and I walked to the mafia building together and we had now completed countless of missions together. I had now made many connections through Gin which I never could've made before.
Slowly, I turned away from the mirror and reached for my gun atop the dresser. I secured it in the holster while breathing out and in deeply, my face set like stone, preparing myself for the day.
"Higuchi!" Gin's voice called from the entrance hall. "Hurry up, brother doesn't want to be kept waiting."
"Coming." I called back.

My lips curled into an unwavering smile.

"Ability: Flowers at dusk."
Blue words spread out from me to Gin and the rest of the people walking around outside. A gust of wind swept the windows open. The curtains wavered in the the breeze.
I turned my head slightly and glanced at my reflection in the mirror.

My ability allows me to get the closest I can to a person I want. However, I can only use it once.
Smiling at my reflection, my reflection smiles back-blue fire lighting it's eyes.
Whistling under my breath, I leave the room after Gin to go and meet Akutagawa senpai.

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