Chapter 13

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I land on the floor, all the wind knocked out of me.
"C'mon Higuchi, you can do better than that."
"Easy for you to say Gin." I manage to say, getting to my feet.
She chuckles and replies," because I train every day........unlike some people."
I roll my eyes and resume my fighting stance.
We had been training the entire morning now and my legs felt like jelly.
I flop down on a chair and lay my head down on the table. I haven't trained this hard in so long I'm absolutely covered in sweat.
"I need a shower.." I mumble under my breath. Suddenly I feel something wet on my neck. I turn around and yelp as I see Gin lick the sweat off the back of my neck.
I jump back, clutching the nape of my neck shouting,"what are you doing!?"
Gin slowly stands and smirks at me. She strokes my cheek and murmers," I love that expression."
My face climbs up to an expression of even further embarrassment and panic as it goes red.
At lunch Gin tries to feed me rice and I refuse. She then pouted for 10 minutes, in which I ignored her, which resulted in her licking rice off my face.
We went back to training.
I landed on the floor winded. "C'mon Higuchi, we've been over this hundreds of times."
"Sorry," I mutter while getting to my feet, unable to look at Gin in the eye. "Ugh you were really good with yoko as well, but you suddenly go bad when your with me." Gin exclaims.
"Well maybe it's.." I mumble.
"What was that?" Gin asks leaning in.
"Well..umm..ok FINE." I shout throwing my hands up in the air in defeat."You're really distracting!"
Gin freezes for a second and then bursts out laughing.
"I'm distracting!" She exclaims! "You should see yourself."
"Ugh." I reply. "You're always so unnecessarily sweet."
"Hmmm, well I'm sorry that I'm so sweet and charming. I'll try to stop distracting you~" She winks in my direction.
I sigh and wonder how many more traing sessions I have.
Bam. Bam. Bam
Gin whistled. "Well you were rubbish at combat but this makes up for it." She says jokingly at me.
"Thanks. I worked so hard on my aim so I wouldn't hit Akutagawa senpai while I was aiding him." I explained to Gin. A shadow briefly falls on her face before she walks out and let's me practise.
I let my breathing become steady and try to imagine there are enemies I must dispatch right in front of me. I grip the trigger.
If that was to happen would I aid Gin in the same way I aided Akutagawa senpai? I would think so since they're siblings but I don't know what she wants me to do. She's always teasing me, but sometimes I see anger glimmer in her eyes or her face suddenly become sad.
I want to know why. I want to know how I can help.
"I thought I heard someone in here."
I jump back and realize Yoko is standing right behind me.
"Wha-what are you doing here!?" I reply lowering my gun. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."
She runs an impressed eye over the target. "All vital places, I must say I underestimated you a bit." She says. She grabs a gun. "Show me how."
She rolls her eyes and drags me over. "It's not eh. Show me how to fire."
I blink in surprise. Yoko, the one who always gives me demonic stares and filthy looks is asking me for help!
"Umm okay." I reply nervously, worried that it might suddenly start snowing.
I walk up behind her and start telling her the basics.
"Like this?" She asks, holding the gun completely wrong. "No," I say trying my best not to roll my eyes. "Like this."
I wrap my arms around hers and hold her hands on the gun. Our heads are next to each other and I can feel her chest rise up and down.
I put my trigger finger over hers and squeeze it. The gun fires and goes straight throught the middle. I look at her and say,"like that."
Her breath is hot on my face as she replys," thanks..."
She grips onto me tighter and puts her face up to mine and quietly says,
Suddenly the door bangs open and I see Gin staring at us. Her face us white with shock and her ebony eyes are full of hurt. I try to free myself from Yoko's grip and call after her but it's too late and the door clicks closed.
I push Yoko away from and put my head on the wall.
Why did that just happen. Why was Gin there. Does she hate me now? Wait, why do I care if she hates me. Why was Yoko even doing that. I thought she hated me.
Suddenly a loud bang stops my thoughts. I look around, hands shaking and eyes wide at Yoko who has just put a bullet in the center by holding the gun with just one hand. "You....can shoot." I whisper."Why then...."
She grips the gun so tightly her knuckles turn white and stalks over to me. She lifts my face with her hands and disgustingly says, "what's with that expression."
"Huh?" Is the only reply I can think of.
Her eyes light with anger.
"Don't huh me! You know what this is all about. Ever since you've come here all you've done is mess Gin around like she's your little play doll or something. When she went to save you I told her not to but she ignored me. Me! I'm her childhood friend, the most important person in her life and she just brushed me aside for you! You, all you do is just cower on the floor and get in life by sucking off other people. First it was Akutagawa and now it's Gin.
Stop getting so full of yourself! You're an arrogant weak worm that deserves to be crushed for all you've done to Gin! Don't show me that face if you don't even love her. I organized for her to see us so she would finally stop coming after you and now she has so DON'T EVER COME NEAR HER OR EVER SPEAK TO HER EVER AGAIN OR I WILL KILL YOU."
She points the gun at my face. The bullet grazes my cheek and I hear the steady trickles of blood running down to my chin.
"Let that be a reminder to what is waiting for you." She spits at me before walking out.
I fall to my knees, curl up against the wall and stare at nothing.

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