Chapter 12

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The next few days I'm in the hospital until finally, I'm let out on Monday.
I walk out, feeling happy to leave the smell of sanitizer and soap behind.
As I walk out the doors, I see a dark figure waiting near the bus stop.
My smile stretching, I run over to Gin. She grabs me into a tight hug and says against my neck,"I won't ever leave you again." I smile and answer,"I won't either."
We remain in each others warmth for a while and then walk hand in hand towards the mafia building.
"And that concludes the meeting, any questions?"
"Uh yeah,....Higuchi what is that?"
"What is what?"
"That." Yoko says pointing at my neck. I glance in the window to see a red mark on my neck.
"Gin!" I whirl around to face her and see her smirking away at me. "So this morning you..." I flush bright red as I realize what exactly she was doing to my neck.
Yoko seems to look over our interaction, rolls her eyes and walks out while evily glaring at me.
I look after her, wondering why she hates me so much. Haruki leaves quickly after leaving me and Gin alone again.
I pull the enormous amount of paper towards me and sigh. It seemed to have doubled over the time I was unconscious.
Sighing again I get started. I get through about 5 pages until someone wraps their arms around me from behind. "What do you want Gin?" I say trying to sound composed but failing miserably.
Instead of answering she just knibbles on my ear. I turn back to my papers and try to make it look like I'm memorizing it when really my mind has been turned into a puddle of gloop.
Gin starts to stroke my hair while pressing kisses to my neck.
Her mouth comes tauntingly close to mine before drawing away back to my neck.
Unable to take it anymore, I swing around on my chair, grab her face and kiss her passionately. Her eyes light up as she deepens the kiss and leans me back on the desk.
As her tongue slids in between my teeth and enters my mouth I let out a small noise. Smirking at me, Gin attacks my tongue with her own, making me let out an even louder noise.
Ignited by the noise, she grabs my leg and I wrap them around her, drawing her closer to me.
After a long clash of tongues and teeth, we lay on the desk panting next to each other. I look over at Gin's flushed face, and see the beautifull light in her ebony eyes. She let's out a quiet chuckle and we both start laughing on the desk together.

Conditions--GinxHiguchiWhere stories live. Discover now