Chapter 2: What are you doing, Cato!

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Clove's POV

A loud beeping sound is echoing through my room. I slam down the snooze button and soon enough it starts beeping again. I turn it off and get ready for the day. Somehow, I manage to stumble into the bathroom to take a shower. After, I put on some black ripped jeans, black and white converse, and a long sleeved red turtle neck crop top. I blow-dry my hair and put it in a high pony and curl it. I put on a little bit of eye shadow thats a little darker than my olive skin. I curl my eye lashes and take out my mascara and I'm applying it on my left eye's top lash when I feel it. I have to sneeze! Aaachoo! I sneeze. I quickly look in the mirror to see that I have wet mascara below my eyes. I sigh and grab some makeup remover wipes. I don't feel like redoing the whole thing, so I just wipe the mascara that's under my eyes off and redo my mascara. 

"Clove! Your going to be late! Come down here and eat!" My mom calls. My mom is barely home. She's a flight attendant. Mom pencils in a lot of flights to pay for school. She's already wearing her uniform when I hurry downstairs with my backpack flung around my shoulder. 
"Bye sweetie! I have to go!" She kisses my cheek and gets her luggage and runs out the door. I sigh, she's gonna be gone for a week this time. 

I pour some cheerios in a bowl and quickly eat it. Shit! I forgot to brush my teeth! I run upstairs and brush my teeth and by the time I come down, it's 6:45am. Ugh! I'm gonna be late! I jump in my car and drive to school, by the time I get there, its 7:05. I'm 5 minutes late for homeroom. My homeroom teacher is Beetee Latier, aka, one of the hardest teachers in Panem High. I try to sneak in but obviously I get caught

"Care to share why your late, Ms. Kentwell?" he asks. I cringe and turn around
"Sorry, I over slept" I say. I hear the snickers of who I know too well. Glimmer and Cashmere. I've been in their homeroom for 3 years in a row. If Glimmer and I were still friends, I'd be thrilled. But she's become almost as bad as Cashmere. Who also used to be nice. 

I slug through all of my classes and just after lunch, I'm walking to science and in front of me, walks Madge, and coming towards us, Cashmere, Gloss, Cato and their friend Cordon. Cashmere "accidentally" bumps into Madge, throwing her on the ground. I immediately rush over to her to help her collect her things and help her up. We might not be besties anymore, but she's still nice. She lost her glasses in the process, and was crawling around for them. I'm confused, since she usually wore contacts. Or, at least she did. Cashmere, Gloss and Cordon snicker, Cato just stands there. We'd met when we were 4, and were best friends, but that boy was gone, my best friend wouldn't just stand there. My blood starts boiling
"What are you doing, Cato! Help Madge!" He looks over at Cashmere, and she raises an eyebrow rudely at him. He doesn't move. I'm disgusted. I'm about to yell at him but Madge, who's picked herself up with my help, must sense this, and she gives me a don't do it look. I huff and walk off. At the end of the day I see Cato at his locker, texting someone, probably Cashmere. I walk up to him.
"What the hell Cato!" I scream at him. He looks up from his phone, confused
"What!" he says
"Why didn't you help me get Madge up?" I yell. He doesn't say anything
"I know Cashmere's your girlfriend and all, but you and I both know that what she did was way wrong! Whats wrong with you!" He looks insulted, and I feel a little satisfaction. I'm not even sure why. Madge and me aren't even friends anymore. I guess its because I still feel loyalty. Unlike Cato.
"At least I didn't push her over!" He argues
"You didn't help her up either! Standing there like an idiot doesn't help anyone!" 
Cato's about to open his mouth when Cashmere walks up 
"What's goin on?" She spits out. 
"Cash, can you wait for me in the car?" Her eyes set on me.
"You're trying to steal my Catobear from me, aren't you?" Catobear was a nickname I called him to annoy him, because he'd roar like a bear when he was excited or angry. I roll my eyes. 
"No thanks, Cashmere, I don't want your sloppy seconds." I sneer. I realize this also implies that I think their gonna be done soon. Bonus! Her eyes narrow at me.
"You better watch out, Clove Kentwell, your going to regret you crossed me!" she screams. I laugh and pat her shoulder. She recoils. 
"Sure Cashmere. I'm sure I will." I walk off with some satisfaction that I've managed to make Cashmere mad.

Cato's POV

I'm driving home with Cashmere in my passenger seat. 
"I can't believe that, that Clove! She's so annoying!" Cash fumes. I'm replaying the argument in my head
"I know Cashmere's your girlfriend and all, but you and I both know that what she did was way wrong! Whats wrong with you!" 
I know Clove was right, and honestly, I don't really like Cashmere anyway, she's way extra and a total drama queen. I don't even know how I ended up with Cashmere. I never really tried to remember either. But now, I was

3 1/2 years ago
"Clove likes you" Glimmer says
"Really? No, she doesn't" I sigh
"She really likes you! But she wont admit it, and you're afraid to tell her you like her"  She's right. Even if Clove does like me, I wouldn't have enough courage to tell her that I do too.
"Hey! I have an idea!" Glimmer perks
"I'm all ears" 
"What if we pretend to be together, and we make Clove jealous, she'll realize she likes you and tell you!" 
"I don't know, Glim, what if it backfires?" 
"Backfire? How?" 
"I don't know, she gets mad and never talks to either of us again?" I state
"Stop overreacting!" She exclaimed. "I doubt Clove would overreact the way you are."
I think about it, and realize I've never seen Clove overreact. So I agreed.

"Guess what! Glimmer and me are together!" I announced at our table, keeping a close eye on Clove. She looked so happy for us, my heart sank. We tried everything, feeding each other, complimenting each other, ect. But still, Clove looked happy for us. Finally, we resorted to just pretending we were together, nothing extra, Clove stopped sitting at our table, and Glimmer befriended a girl named Zaira in Cashmere's group, and told me to sit with her there, and I agreed reluctantly. Finally, I told Glimmer I didn't want to pretend anymore, she agreed but looked sad, I stayed at Cashmere's table, as I got used to it, and Glimmer went to Delly. 

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